American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22

Volume 22

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Seven-Rod Bundle, Natural-Circulation, Stability and Burn-Out Tests with Water at up to 28 Atmospheres Pressure

R. W. Bowring, C. L. Spigt

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 1-13

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Purification of Beryllium by Acetylacetone — EDTA Solvent Extraction: Procedure and Chemistry

C. E. L. Bamberger, H. F. McDuffie, C. F. Baes, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 14-19

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Measurements of the Epicadmium Capture-to-Fission Cross-Section Ratio in U235

D. E. Conway, H. D. Cook, S. B. Gunst

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 20-23

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Corrosion of Carbon Steel by Boiling and Superheated Mercury

A. H. Fleitman, A. J. Romano and C. J. Klamut

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 24-32

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Comparisons of Measured and Calculated Neutron Fluxes in Laminated Iron and Heavy Water

Erkki J. Aalto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 33-39

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Neutron Thermalization Studies in Graphite

K. Serdula, J. Young

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 40-50

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Stable Numerical Solutions of the Reactor Kinetics Equations

K. F. Hansen, B. V. Koen, W. W. Little, Jr.,

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 51-59

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About the Generalization of Amouyal-Benoist's Method for Calculating Disadvantage Factors and Flux Distributions in Two-region Cells

Z. Weiss

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 60-77

Technical Paper /

Improvements to the Theory of Resonance Escape in Heterogeneous Fuel: I. Regular Arrays of Fuel Rods

D. C. Leslie, J. G. Hill, A. Jonsson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 78-86

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The Extrapolation Distance at the Surface of a Grey Cylindrical Control Rod

N. Spinks

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 87-93

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The Effects of Flux Anisotropy on Thermal-Neutron Flux Perturbations

J. V. Walker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 94-101

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Measurement of Anisotropic Fast-Neutron Spectrum with Nuclear Emulsion

Tsutomu Iijima, Shoji Nomoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 1 / May 1965 / Pages 102-110

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Number 2

Natural Vibration of Reactor Internals

George J. Bohm

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 143-152

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Neutron Flux Measurement by Fission Tracks in Solids

R. L. Fleischer, P. B. Price and R. M. Walker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 153-156

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Neutron Spectra in Uranium Tubes

E. Johansson, E. Jonsson, M. Lindberg and J. Mednis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 157-170

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Some Numerical Experiments Concerning Space-Time Reactor Kinetics Behavior

J. B. Yasinsky and A. F. Henry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 171-181

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Approach to Equilibrium of a Neutron Pulse in a Multiplying System

A. K. Ghatak and S. Pearlstein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 182-190

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Spatially Dependent Transfer Function for Nuclear Systems

Chester D. Kylstra and Robert E. Uhrig

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 191-205

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Complementary Use of Pulsed-Neutron and Reactor-Noise Measurements

S. R. Bierman, K. L. Garlid and R. W. Albrecht

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 206-214

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A Solution of the Space-Energy-Angle-Dependent Neutron Slowing-Down Problem

Joseph J. McInerney

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 215-234

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The Thermalization Theory with a Simple Scattering Kernel

Janusz Mika

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 235-243

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Improved Rational Escape Probability in Lumped Absorbers

Charles N. Kelber

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 244-247

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Some Input Functions for Anisotropic Neutron Scattering

W. Maurice Pritchard, Tino Ahrens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 2 / June 1965 / Pages 248-252

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Number 3

The Application of Dynamic Programing to Fuel Management Optimization

Ian Wall and Henri Fenech

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 285-297

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Neutron Penetration Factors Obtained by Using Adjoint Transport Calculations

G. E. Hansen and H. A. Sandmeier

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 315-320

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Neutron-Wave Propagation Using the P1 Approximation

Glen A. Mortensen and Harold P. Smith, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 321-327

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An Asymptotically Correct Approximation to the Multidimensional Transport Equation

G. C. Pomraning

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 328-338

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Reflection and Transmission by a Strongly Absorbing Slab

André Mackel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 339-349

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Geologic, Hydrologic, and Safety Considerations in the Storage of Radioactive Wastes in a Vault Excavated in Crystalline Rock

J. F. Proctor, I. W. Marine

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 350-365

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Equilibrium Spectra and Diffusion Lengths of Neutrons in Semi-Infinite Moderator Block—Part I

P. S. Grover and L. S. Kothari

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 366-372

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Formation of Se77m, Sr87m, Cd111m and Ba137m by Reactor Spectrum Neutrons for Use in Activation Analysis

Henry H. Kramer and Werner H. Wahl

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 3 / July 1965 / Pages 373-382

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Number 4

Iron-54(n,p) Cross-Section Measurement

Edward E. Carroll, Jr., George G. Smith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 411-415

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Half-Life Determinations by Direct Decay

K. F. Flynn, L. E. Glendenin, E. P. Steinberg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 416-419

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Performance of Prototype Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuel Under Extreme Conditions

M. F. Osborne, E. L. Long, Jr., J. G. Morgan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 420-433

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The Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Cesium to 1650 °C and the Critical Point of Cesium

Jack M. Hochman, Charles F. Bonilla

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 434-442

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The Fine Adjustment of the Neutron Penetration in the NRN Method

E. Aalto, R. Fräki, K. Malén

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 443-450

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A New Analytical Solution of the Energy-Dependent Boltzmann Equation

Nikolai Papmehl

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 451-454

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Calculation and Measurement of the Fast-Neutron Differential Dose Albedo for Concrete

R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 455-462

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Two-Phase Pressure Gradients in the Approach Region to Critical Flow

Amir N. Nahavandi, Richard F. Von Hollen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 463-469

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Time Optimal Solution to the Reactivity-Xenon Shutdown Problem

John J. Roberts, Harold P. Smith, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 470-478

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Some Applications of a Multimode Generalization of the Inhour Formula

A. F. Henry, S. Kaplan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 479-486

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Resonance Integral for the Doppler Measurement in Fast Reactors by the Foil-Activation Technique

A. B. Reynolds

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 487-489

Technical Note /

On Transient Phenomena in Thermalization

Anthony Leonard

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 489-490

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About the Influence of Resonance Overlapping on Calculated Doppler-Coefficients of Fast Reactors

R. Froelich, K. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 490-492

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Electron and Proton Fluxes in the Trapped Radiation Belts Originating from an Orbiting Nuclear Reactor

John C. Ringle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 492-494

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Measurement and Calculation of Energy Deposition Due to Capture Gamma Rays Inside Annuli of Cadmium, Silver and Stainless Steel

A. W. Boyd, H. W. J. Connor, S. A. Kushneriuk

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 22 / Number 4 / August 1965 / Pages 494-495

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