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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71

Volume 71

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

Core Control Optimization for Scheduled Load Changes in Large Pressurized Water Reactors

Jorma Karppinen, Rob M. Versluis, Bjørn Blomsnes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 1-17

Technical Paper /

Neutron Yields from Alpha-Particle Bombardment

J. K. Bair, J. Gomez del Campo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 18-28

Technical Paper /

Calculation of the Total Flux at a Point by the Monte Carlo Track Rotation Estimator

A. Dubi, Y. S. Horowitz, H. Rief

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 29-45

Technical Paper /

A Finite Moments Algorithm for Particle Transport Problems

R. Vaidyanathan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 46-54

Technical Paper /

Clusius-Dickel Effect in a Nuclear Fuel Rod

S. K. Loyalka, V. K. Chandola

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 55-57

Technical Note /

The Particle Spectrum to Be Expected from a D-T Plasma

H. Liskien

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 57-59

Technical Note /

A Correlation Technique for Resonance Calculations

M. V. Gregory

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 59-64

Technical Note /

On the Validity of the Extended Transport Cross-Section Correction for Low-Energy Electron Transport

J. E. Morel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 1 / July 1979 / Pages 64-71

Technical Note /

Number 2

Factorized Kernels and the DKPL Solution to the Third Form of the Neutron Transport Equation in a Rectangular Parallelepiped

A. Bassini, F. Premuda, W. A. Wassef

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 87-99

Technical Paper /

Discrete Transfer Cross-Section Expansion for Time-Dependent Neutron Transport

F. Beranek, R. W. Conn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 100-110

Technical Paper /

Computational Efficiency of Numerical Methods for the Multigroup, Discrete-Ordinates Neutron Transport Equations: The Slab Geometry Case

R. E. Alcouffe, E. W. Larsen, W. F. Miller, Jr., B. R. Wienke

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 111-127

Technical Paper /

Analysis of Error in Monte Carlo Transport Calculations

Thomas E. Booth, Edmond D. Cashwell

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 128-142

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Reactivity Measurements in a Thorium Critical Assembly

Keiji Kobayashi, Junnosuke Horie, Keiji Kanda, Toshikazu Shibata

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 143-153

Technical Paper /

Critical Experiments with Lattices of 475-wt%-235U-Enriched UO2 Rods in Water

J. C. Manaranche, D. Mangin, L. Maubert, G. Colomb, G. Poullot

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 154-163

Technical Paper /

Effect of Soluble Neutron Absorbers on the Criticality of Low-Uranium-235 Enriched UO2 Lattices

R. C. Lloyd, B. M. Durst, E. D. Clayton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 164-169

Technical Paper /

Characteristics of a Beam-Driven Deuterium-Fueled Fusion-Fission Reactor System

K. F. Schoepf, A. A. Harms

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 170-181

Technical Paper /

104,105,106,108,110Pd (n,γ) Cross Sections Above 2.6 keV

R. L. Macklin, J. Halperin, R. R. Winters

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 182-191

Technical Paper /

Multiple-Jet Thermal Mixing in a Piping Tee

Paul S. Lykoudis, Robert C. Hagar

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 192-201

Technical Paper /

Accuracy and Computational Time of a Hierarchy of Growth Rate Definitions for Breeder Reactor Fuel

P. J. Maudlin, R. C. Borg, K. O. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 202-205

Technical Note /

6Li(n,α)T Cross Section from 70 to 3000 keV from the 235U(n,f) Calibration of a Thin Glass Scintillator

R. L. Macklin, R. W. Ingle, J. Halperin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 205-208

Technical Note /

The Energy Dependence of Fission Fragment Anisotropy in Fast-Neutron-Induced Fission of Uranium-235

S. Ahmad, M. M. Islam, A. H. Khan, M. Khaliquzzaman, M. Husain, M. A. Rahman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 208-211

Technical Note /

The Calculation of the Void Fraction by Slip Ratio Correlations: A General Method

F. Norelli

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 212-215

Technical Note /

Thermal Radiation Properties of Interfaces Between Nuclear Reactor Materials

S. H. Chan, H. H. Tseng

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 2 / August 1979 / Pages 215-227

Technical Note /

Number 3

The Dispersion and Spheroidization Treatment of δ Zirconium Hydride and Its Effect on Corrosion Resistance

Shi-Chien Lin, Michiko Hamasaki, Yii-Der Chuang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 237-250

Technical Paper /

The Effect of Dispersion and Spheroidization Treatment of δ Zirconium Hydrides on the Mechanical Properties of Zircaloy

Shi-Chien Lin, Michiko Hamasaki, Yii-Der Chuang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 251-266

Technical Paper /

Statistical Evaluation of Major Human Errors During the Development of New Technological Systems

G. Campbell, K. O. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 267-279

Technical Paper /

Cross Sections for 6Li(6Li,5He)7Be, 6Li(d,n)7Be, and 19F(6Li,p)24Na

Lawrence Ruby, Robert V. Pyle, Yue-Chau Wong

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 280-286

Technical Paper /

Thor, A Thorium-Reflected Plutonium-Metal Critical Assembly

G. E. Hansen, H. C. Paxton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 287-293

Technical Paper /

Penetration of Secondary Neutrons and Photons from a Graphite Assembly Exposed to 52-MeV Protons

Kazuo Shin, Yoshitomo Uwamino, Mitsuo Yoshida, Tomonori Hyodo, Takashi Nakamura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 294-300

Technical Paper /

The Energy Distribution of Antineutrinos Originating from the Decay of Fission Products in a Nuclear Reactor

G. Rudstam, K. Aleklett

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 301-308

Technical Paper /

Reactor Dynamic Perturbation Measurement

R. Fuge, D. Ziegenbein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 309-318

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An Interpretation of the Quadratic Approximation in Zero Power Reactor Noise Analysis

F. Carloni, M. Marseguerra

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 319-326

Technical Paper /

Comparison of Calculations and Measurements of Fission Product Decay Heat for Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239 for Cooling Times >5 × 104 s

K. Shure, O. J. Wallace, J. C. Connor

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 327-330

Technical Note /

An Improvement of the PALLAS Discrete-Ordinates Transport Code

Nobuo Sasamoto, Kiyoshi Takeuchi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 71 / Number 3 / September 1979 / Pages 330-342

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