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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60

Volume 60

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Transient Freezing of Liquids in Tube Flow

F. B. Cheung, L. Baker, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 1-9

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An Analysis of Transients in Experiments on Loss-of-Coolant Accidents

Makoto Sobajima

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 10-18

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Present Status of Photofission of Actinides Near Threshold

B. S. Bhandari, I. C. Nascimento

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 19-26

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Measurements of the Neutron Spectra from Materials Used in Fusion Reactors and Calculations Using the ENDF/B-III and -IV Neutron Libraries

L. F. Hansen, C. Wong, T. Komoto, J. D. Anderson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 27-35

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Production of Low-Energy Gamma Rays by Neutron Interactions with Fluorine for Incident Neutron Energies Between 0.1 and 20 MeV

G. L. Morgan, J. K. Dickens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 36-43

Technical Paper /

Measurement and Normalization of the Relative Plutonium-241 Fission Cross Section in the Thermal and Low-Resonance Energy Region

C. Wagemans, A. J. Deruytter

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 44-52

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Neutron-Capture Cross Sections of the Europium and Lutetium Isotopes from 0.01 to 10 eV

J. F. Widder

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 53-61

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Fast-Pulse Reactor Operation with Reflector Control and a 106-mm-diam Glory Hole

A. H. Kazi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 62-73

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Finite Difference Equations for Transport Equation in Toroidal Geometry

Jungchung Jung

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 74-86

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Dispersion of Radioactive Materials by a Fluid Flowing in a Pipe

S. A. Kushneriuk, J. M. Blair

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 87-95

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Charge Released by Beta-Decaying Self-Powered Neutron Detectors

H. D. Warren, N. L. Snidow

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 95-97

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A Comparison of Some Eigenvalues in Reactor Theory

Y. Ronen, D. Shvarts, J. J. Wagschal

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 97-101

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Equivalence of Transformed and Invariant Radiative Transfer Kernels

B. R. Wienke

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 101-103

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Time-Dependent Moments of the Monoenergetic Transport Equation in Spherical and Cylindrical Geometry

B. D. Ganapol

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 1 / May 1976 / Pages 103-105

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Number 2

  • Table of Contents
  • Melt-III(A. E. Waltar, W. L. Partain, D. C. Kolesar, L. D. O'Dell, A. Padilla, Jr., J. C. Sonnichsen, N. P. Wilburn, H. J. Willenberg)

Numerical Solution of the Transport Equation by Collocation with Bivariate Splines

L. Finkelstein, A. Krumbein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 113-119

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Finite Element Solutions of Space-Time Nonlinear Reactor Dynamics

Dong H. Nguyen, David Salinas

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 120-130

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Prediction of Statistical Error in Monte Carlo Transport Calculations

Harvey J. Amster, M. Jahed Djomehri

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 131-142

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Criticality of Plutonium-Uranium Nitrate Solutions

R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 143-146

Technical Paper /

A Pulsed Activation Measurement of the Doppler Effect of Uranium-238 over the Temperature Range 300 to 3115 K

S. K. Bhattacharyya, G. J. Russell, W. K. Foell

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 147-168

Technical Paper /

Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Tritium Production in a Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Blanket Model

R. Herzing, L. Kuypers, P. Cloth, D. Filges, R. Hecker, N. Kirch

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 169-175

Technical Paper /

Sodium-Water-Reaction Test and Evaluation for a Protected Bayonet-Tube Steam Generator

S. M. Cho, E. C. Govignon, G. J. Degutis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 176-186

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Measurement of Cross Sections for the 59Co(n,p)59Fe Reaction Near Threshold

Donald L. Smith, James W. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 187-188

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On-Line Prediction of the Power Distribution Within Boiling Water Reactors

Yasuo Nishizawa, Takashi Kiguchi, Hiroshi Motoda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 2 / June 1976 / Pages 189-192

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Number 3

Exact Doppler Broadening of Tabulated Cross Sections

Dermott E. Cullen, Charles R. Weisbin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 199-229

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Total Neutron Cross Section of Lead

Keiji Kanda, Otohiko Aizawa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 230-234

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14.6-MeV Neutron Activation Cross Section for the Xenon Isotopes

R. A. Sigg and P. K. Kuroda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 235-238

Technical Paper /

Monte Carlo Analysis of Direct Measurements of the Fission Neutron Yield Per Absorption by Uranium-233 and Uranium-235 of Monochromatic Neutrons

J. J. Ullo and M. Goldsmith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 239-250

Technical Paper /

Monte Carlo Analysis of Thermal-Spectrum Averaged Measurements of η of Uranium-233 and Uranium-235

M. Goldsmith and J. J. Ullo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 251-261

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The Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction from Fission in an Unreflected Uranium Sphere from Time Correlation Measurements with Californium-252

J. T. Mihalczo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 262-275

Technical Paper /

Space- and Angle-Dependent Steady-State Thermal-Neutron Spectra Inside Small Beryllium Assemblies

Suresh Garg, Feroz Ahmed, L. S. Kothari

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 276-287

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Space-Dependent Continuous Neutron Slowing Down Theory Utilizing Integral Transport Concepts

Gilbert Epstein, James Biffer, Martin Becker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 288-301

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Transport Equations in Axisymmetric Toroidal Coordinates

Samuel L. Gralnick

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 302-310

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A Theory of Heat Transfer Between Two Gases in a Mixture


Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 311-314

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The Release of Iodine from Iodide Salts by Gamma Radiolysis

Daniel Cubicciotti, John H. Davies

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 314-319

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Fast-Neutron Excitation of Isomeric States in Indium

Donald L. Smith, James W. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 319-322

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On the Average Energies of β Particles Emitted by Fission Products

M. Goldsmith, K. Shure

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 322-324

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Collision Method in Spherical Geometry by Escape Probabilities

G. Bitelli, A. Turrin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 324-326

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The Importance of the Uranium-238 Inelastic Transfer Matrix for Fast-Reactor Analysis

T. Choong and E. Kujawski

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 3 / July 1976 / Pages 326-329

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Number 4

Application of Walsh Functions to Neutron Transport Problems—I. Theory

Thomas J. Seed, Robert W. Albrecht

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 337-345

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Application of Walsh Functions to Neutron Transport Problems—II. Analysis

Thomas J. Seed, Robert W. Albrecht

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 346-356

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Neutron Transport and Diffusion in Inhomogeneous Media. II

Edward W. Larsen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 357-368

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Measurement of the Uranium-235 Fission Cross Section over the Neutron Energy Range 1 to 6 MeV

D. M. Barton, B. C. Diven, G. E. Hansen, G. A. Jarvis, P. G. Koontz, R. K. Smith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 369-382

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A Measurement of the Fission Cross Section of Uranium-235 from 100 eV to 680 keV

J. B. Czirr, G. S. Sidhu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 383-389

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Measurement of Neutron Radiative Capture in Cobalt-59

R. R. Spencer, H. Beer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 390-398

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Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy in Natural Copper

M. S. Pandey, J. B. Garg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 399-404

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Measured and Calculated Neutron Albedo for Concrete and Iron

Walter Meyer, J. W. Leighty, J. W. Thiesing, D. H. Timmons

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 405-420

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Design of Ideal Cascades of Gas Centrifuges with Variable Separation Factors

D. R. Olander

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 421-434

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Molten Clad Motion Model for Fast Reactor Loss-of-Flow Accidents

M. Ishii, W. L. Chen, M. A. Grolmes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 435-451

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Simple Heat Conduction Model with Phase Change for Reactor Fuel Pin

W. L. Chen, M. Ishii, M. A. Grolmes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 452-460

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The Monte Carlo Nonuniform Sampling Technique Applied to the Klein-Nishina Probability Density Function

Y. S. Horowitz, A. Dubi, S. Mordechai

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 461-463

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The Determination of Homogenized Group Diffusion Theory Parameters

John G. Kollas and Allan F. Henry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 464-471

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Neutron Thermalization in Light Water—Measurement and Calculation of Spectra

M. J. Abbate, J. V. Lolich, T. F. Parkinson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 471-477

Technical Note /

Cross-Section Measurements for Charged Particle Fusion Reactors: The 6Li(3He, p) 2α Reaction

C. R. Gould, J. R. Boyce

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 477-481

Technical Note /

An Estimate of the Yield of Photoneutrons from Beryllium Using a LINAC as the X-Ray Source

G. S. Khandelwal, W. M. Pritchard, J. J. Singh

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 60 / Number 4 / August 1976 / Pages 481-482

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