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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54

Volume 54

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Temperature Dynamic Analysis of Fuel Elements for Boiling Water Reactors

M. G. Zaalouk, A. M. Mitry, W. C. Peterson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 1-9

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Some Aspects of Fuel-Pin-Failure Propagation in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors

Hans K. Fauske

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 10-17

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The Thermal-Neutron Scattering Cross Sections of Uranium-233 and Thorium-232

L. Green, J. A. Mitchell

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 18-27

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Age of Californium-252 Fission Neutrons to Indium Resonance Energy in Water

V. Spiegel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 28-34

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Sensitivity of a Fast Critical Assembly to Uncertainties in Input Data Determined by Perturbation Theory

H. H. Hummel, W. M. Stacey, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 35-46

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Simulation Studies of a Practical Reactor Control System Providing Time-Optimal Shutdown

E. Corran, C. A. Stapleton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 47-54

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An Examination of Some Approximations for Heterogeneous Reactors

Hugh K. Clark

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 55-71

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Effects of Highly Anisotropic Scattering on Monoenergetic Neutron Transport at Deep Penetrations

E. Oblow, K. Kin, H. Goldstein, J. J. Wagschal

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 72-84

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Legendre Polynomial Expansion of the Klein-Nishina Differential Cross Section

K. E. Weise, A. Foderaro

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 85-93

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Benchmark Values for the Slab and Sphere Criticality Problem in One-Group Neutron Transport Theory

Hans G. Kaper, Arthur J. Lindeman, Gary K. Leaf

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 1 / May 1974 / Pages 94-99

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Number 2

Relativistic Compton Scattering by the Discrete Ordinates Method

Brian G. Stephan, Charles J. Bridgman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 101-115

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Single-Level Analysis of the Uranium-233 Fission Cross Section for Neutron Energies Between 6 and 124 eV

S. Nizamuddin, J. Blons

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 116-126

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Neutron Pulses Slowing Down in Heavy Media Analysis with Applications of the Lead Spectrometer

Mohamed Sawan, Robert W. Conn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 127-142

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Correcting for Emission-Time Effects in Neutron Time-of-Flight Data Using Multiple Time Spectra

H. A. Robitaille, J. S. Hewitt

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 143-156

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Estimation of Reactivity Worths by Local Calculation

M. J. Lineberry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 157-165

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Minimal Time Control of Spatial Xenon Oscillations in Nuclear Power Reactors

A. A. El-Bassioni, C. G. Poncelet

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 166-176

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Calculation of the Decay Power of Fission Products

Kanji Tasaka, Nobuo Sasamoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 177-189

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Cross Section for the Delayed-Neutron Yield from the 9Be(n, p) 9Li Reaction at Neutron Energies of 14.5 and 14.9 MeV

R. H. Augustson, H. O. Menlove

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 190-191

Technical Note /

Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Production in Titanium for Incident-Neutron Energies of 4.9, 5.4, and 5.9 MeV

J. K. Dickens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 191-196

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Functionals to Represent the Neutron Flux in Fast Pulsed Assemblies

Harold N. Knickle, Paul B. Daitch

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 196-200

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Flux Synthesis Calculations for Fast Reactors

C. H. Adams, W. M. Stacey, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 201-206

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Application of an Improved Time-Difference Method for Spatial Xenon Transient Analysis

John C. Lee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 206-214

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Critical Heat Flux and Pressure Drop Tests with Parallel Upflow of High Pressure Water in Bundles of Twenty ¾-in. Rods

B. W. LeTourneau, M. E. Gavin, S. J. Green

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 2 / June 1974 / Pages 214-232

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Number 3

Prediction of Gamma-Ray Spectra at Deep Penetration Utilizing the Equilibrium Angular Distribution

D. M. Johnson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 235-253

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Experimental Evidence of an Equilibrium Property in Gamma-Ray Angular Spectra Penetrating Bulk Shields

D. M. Johnson, P. B. Woollam

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 254-262

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The Yield of Short-Lived Gamma-Ray Emitting Nuclides from Fast- and Thermal-Neutron Fission

R. P. Larsen, N. D. Dudey, R. R. Heinrich, R. D. Oldham, R. J. Armani, R. J. Popek, R. Gold

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 263-272

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Cobalt Fast-Neutron Cross Sections

P. T. Guenther, P. A. Moldauer, A. B. Smith, J. F. Whalen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 273-285

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Neutron Cross Sections of Samarium-147 and Samarium-150

H. M. Eiland, S. Weinstein, K. W. Seemann

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 286-299

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Evaluation of Uranium-238 Neutron Cross Sections from Spectral Measurements

H. Bluhm, G. Fieg, H. Werle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 300-316

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The Ratio of the Uranium-233 to Uranium-235 Fission Cross Section

J. W. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 317-321

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Total Neutron Cross Sections of Uranium-235, Uranium-238, and Plutonium-239 from 0.5 to 15 MeV

R. B. Schwartz, R. A. Schrack, H. T. Heaton, II

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 322-326

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Anisotropic Neutron Diffusion in Lattices of the Zero-Power Plutonium Reactor Experiments

Ely M. Gelbard

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 327-340

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A Theory for Pulsed-Neutron Experiments in Reactor Lattices

J. J. Van Binnebeek

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 341-352

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A Solution of the Milne Problem Using Full-Range Completeness of Case’s Eigenfunctions

S. K. Loyalka

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 353-356

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Axial Neutron Streaming in Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors

P. Köhler, J. Ligou

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 357-360

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The Effect of Position on the Criticality of Uranium Spheres in Uranium Solution Cylinders

Robert E. Rothe, D. C. Hunt

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 3 / July 1974 / Pages 360-366

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Number 4

Generalized Collision Probabilities and Neutron Transport Eigenvalue Problems

Tomas Lefvert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 369-375

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Weighted Central Difference Equations for the Neutron Transport Equation

Niel K. Madsen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 376-386

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Calculation of the Flux Variation and the Reactivity Change Induced by a Central Perturbation in a Fast Critical Assembly The Reduced Reactor Model

D. Akl, B. Laponche

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 387-394

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Neutron and Gamma-Ray Effects on Self-Powered In-Core Radiation Detectors

H. D. Warren, N. H. Shah

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 395-415

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Small-Angle Scattering of 7.4- to 9.5-MeV Neutrons from Nitrogen and Oxygen

W. P. Bucher, C. E. Hollandsworth, D. McNatt, R. Lamoreaux, A. Niiler, J. E. Youngblood

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 416-422

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Measurement and Normalization of the Relative Uranium-233 Fission Cross Section in the Low Resonance Region

A. J. Deruytter, C. Wagemans

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 423-431

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Accurate Kinetics Equations of a Square Cascade for Gas Separation

S. Yamashita

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 432-444

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Turbulence Measurements in a Magneto-Fluid-Mechanic Channel

Hsichun M. Hua, Paul S. Lykoudis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 445-449

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Partial-Range Analysis of the One-Speed Neutron Transport Equation with Anisotropic Scattering

E. A. Attia, A. A. Harms

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 450-455

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An Asymptotic Solution in the Theory of Neutron Moderation

C. E. Siewert, A. R. Burkart

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 455-456

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Application of the Finite Element Method to Two-Dimensional Diffusion Problems

L. O. Deppe, K. F. Hansen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 456-465

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A Rapid Calculational Method for Multigroup Elastic Transfer

Martin Becker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 465-467

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On the Estimation of Errors in Reactor Theory

Yigal Ronen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 467-470

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Neutron Yields from Uranium Isotopes in Uranium Hexafluoride

Thomas E. Sampson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 470-474

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Optimization of Control-Rod Programming in Multiregion Nuclear Reactors

Koichi Sekimizu, Kazuo Monta

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 474-481

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On the Mechanisms for Vapor Explosions

S. G. Bankoff, H. K. Fauske

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 54 / Number 4 / August 1974 / Pages 481-482

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