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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 72

Volume 72

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(Samir M. Sami, Yoshiro Asahi, Hiroaki Wakabayashi, Stanley K. Widener, H. Deuber, Yassin A. Hassan, Chaitanyamoy Ganguly, Parameshwar Venkappa Hegde, Gyan Chand Jain, Uddharan Basak, Radhey Shyam Mehrotra, Sukomal Majumdar, Pradip Ranjan Roy, David A. Wesley, M. Michael Yovanovich, John A. Andersen, Hiroshi Kamizono, Shizuo Kikkawa, Shingo Tashiro, Haruto Nakamura, Emilio Tassoni, Ferruccio Gera, Dov Ingman, Amos Notea, Naozo Hattori, Kenji Hayashi)

A Dynamic Model for Predicting CANDU Pressurizer Performance

Samir M. Sami

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 7-23

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Some Transient Characteristics of PIUS

Yoshiro Asahi, Hiroaki Wakabayashi

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 24-33

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Analytical Simulation of Boiling Water Reactor Pressure Suppression Pool Swell

Stanley K. Widener

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 34-38

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Iodine-131 Species in the Stack Exhaust Air of Light Water Reactors

H. Deuber

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 39-43

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Investigations on the Retention of Elemental Radioiodine by Activated Carbons at High Temperatures

H. Deuber

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 44-48

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Interpretation of Conductivity-Sensitive Liquid-Level Transducer Signals in a Small Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident Test Facility

Yassin A. Hassan

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 49-58

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Development and Fabrication of 70% PuC—30% UC Fuel for the Fast Breeder Test Reactor in India

Chaitanyamoy Ganguly, Parameshwar Venkappa Hegde, Gyan Chand Jain, Uddharan Basak, Radhey Shyam Mehrotra, Sukomal Majumdar, Pradip Ranjan Roy

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 59-69

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

A New Gaseous Gap Conductance Relationship

David A. Wesley, M. Michael Yovanovich

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 70-74

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

A Bounding Assessment Method for Correlating Measured Gas Leaks to the Possible Loss of Particulate Contents from Radioactive Materials Packages

John A. Andersen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 75-83

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Volatilization of Cesium from Nuclear Waste Glass in a Canister

Hiroshi Kamizono, Shizuo Kikkawa, Shingo Tashiro, Haruto Nakamura

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 84-88

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste in Argillaceous Formations: In Situ and Laboratory Heating Experiments

Emilio Tassoni, Ferruccio Gera

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 89-98

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Derivative Method for Edge Enhancement in Radiographic Testing

Dov Ingman, Amos Notea

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 99-104

Technical Paper / Radioisotopes and Isotope /

On the Friction Factor for Fully Developed Turbulent Sodium Flow in Small Smooth Tubes

Naozo Hattori, Kenji Hayashi

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 1 / January 1986 / Pages 105-116

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

Number 2

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(Charles W. Forsberg, Philippe Mathieu, E. Distexhe, Hans Jordan, Philip M. Schumacher, Vladimir Kogan, Ramesh Dayal, Richard F. Pietrzak, James H. Clinton, Tatsuhiko Uda, Hajime Iba, Kiyoshi Hanawa, Ramesh Dayal, Richard F. Pietrzak, James H. Clinton, Ivars Neretnieks, Genichi Matsumoto, Naohide Murata, Soju Suzuki, Mitsugu Matsumoto, Kohei Ohkubo, Yasushi Ikeda, Jiunn-Guang Lo, Dar-Yeong Chen, Jen-Zen Wang, E. Teuchert, K. A. Haas)

A Process Inherent Ultimate Safety Boiling Water Reactor

Charles W. Forsberg

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 121-134

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Modeling of Boron Control During Power Transients in a Pressurized Water Reactor

Philippe Mathieu, E. Distexhe

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 135-147

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Modeling of Multiple-Component Aerosols — Sensitivities to Assumptions

Hans Jordan, Philip M. Schumacher, Vladimir Kogan

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 148-157

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Source Term Characterization for the Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Ramesh Dayal, Richard F. Pietrzak, James H. Clinton

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 158-177

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

A Melt Refining Method for Uranium-Contaminated Aluminum

Tatsuhiko Uda, Hajime Iba, Kiyoshi Hanawa

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 178-183

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Oxidation-Induced Geochemical Changes in Trench Leachates from the Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

Ramesh Dayal, Richard F. Pietrzak, James H. Clinton

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 184-193

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Stationary Transport of Dissolved Species in the Backfill Surrounding a Waste Canister in Fissured Rock: Some Simple Analytical Solutions

Ivars Neretnieks

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 194-200

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Track-Etch Neutron Radiography with a New Boron Carbide Converter

Genichi Matsumoto, Naohide Murata, Soju Suzuki, Mitsugu Matsumoto, Kohei Ohkubo, Yasushi Ikeda

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 201-211

Technical Paper / Radioisotopes and Isotope /

Design of a New Counting Cell for Monitoring 85Kr in Environmental Air Samples

Jiunn-Guang Lo, Dar-Yeong Chen, Jen-Zen Wang

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 212-217

Technical Paper / Technique /

Nonproliferation Issue of the Pebble Bed High-Temperature Reactor

E. Teuchert, K. A. Haas

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 2 / February 1986 / Pages 218-222

Technical Note / Fission Reactor /

Number 3

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(R. Wilson, G. A. Vivian, W. J. Chase, G. Armitage, L. J. Sennema, André Gauvenet, Lionel Lewis, Per Knudsen, Carsten Bagger, Hans Carlsen, Ib Misfeldt, Mogens Mogensen, Wolfgang K. E. Braun, Klaus Hassmann, Hans-Henning Hennies, J. Peter Hosemann, Takaharu Fukuzaki, Takashi Kiguchi, Parveen K. Jain, Reiner Papp, Klaus-Detlef Closs, Makoto Senoh, Sakae Sugiyama, Masayoshi Sasaki, Kenji Konashi, Katsuichiro Kamimura, Yoji Yokouchi, Gerard L. Hofman, George L. Copeland, John E. Sanecki, Regis P. Shogan, Stephen E. Yanichko, William S. Galloway, Norman P. Baumann, Willard G. Winn, Heinz Bachhuber, Kurt Bunzl, Wolfgang Schimmack, Hiromichi Fumoto, Riyohei Kiyose)

Occupational Dose Reduction Experience in Ontario Hydro Nuclear Power Stations

R. Wilson, G. A. Vivian, W. J. Chase, G. Armitage, L. J. Sennema

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 231-245

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Safety /

Radiation Protection Practices and Experience in French Operating Reactors

André Gauvenet

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 246-253

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Safety /

Health Physics Practices and Experience at Duke Power Company

Lionel Lewis

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 254-257

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Safety /

Fission Product Behavior in High-Burnup Water Reactor Fuel Subjected to Slow Power Increases

Per Knudsen, Carsten Bagger, Hans Carlsen, Ib Misfeldt, Mogens Mogensen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 258-267

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Fission Reactor /

The Reactor Containment of Standard-Design German Pressurized Water Reactors

Wolfgang K. E. Braun, Klaus Hassmann, Hans-Henning Hennies, J. Peter Hosemann

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 268-290

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Fission Reactor /

Effective Use of Sensor Readings in On-Line Plant Monitoring and Its Application to Boiling Water Reactor Power Distribution Calculations

Takaharu Fukuzaki, Takashi Kiguchi

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 291-300

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Fission Reactor /

A Dynamic Model for Pressurized Water Reactor Analysis on Microcomputers

Parveen K. Jain

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 301-311

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Fission Reactor /

Alternative Fuel Cycle Evaluation in the Federal Republic of Germany

Reiner Papp, Klaus-Detlef Closs

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 312-320

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Fuel Cycle /

Fuel-Number Recognition by Means of Multidirectional Lighting

Makoto Senoh, Sakae Sugiyama, Masayoshi Sasaki

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 321-327

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Fuel /

Model for Fuel/Cladding Chemical Interaction

Kenji Konashi, Katsuichiro Kamimura, Yoji Yokouchi

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 328-337

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Fuel /

Microscopic Investigation into the Irradiation Behavior of U3O8-Al Dispersion Fuel

Gerard L. Hofman, George L. Copeland, John E. Sanecki

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 338-344

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Nuclear Fuel /

The Use of Reconstituted Charpy Specimens to Extend R. E. Ginna Reactor Pressure Surveillance Data

Regis P. Shogan, Stephen E. Yanichko, William S. Galloway

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 345-352

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Material /

A 2D(γ,n)1H Tritiated Water Detector with 232U/228Th Source

Norman P. Baumann, Willard G. Winn

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 353-358

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Analyse /

Spatial Variability of the Distribution Coefficients of 137Cs, 65Zn, 85Sr, 57Co, 109Cd, 141Ce, 103Ru, 95mTc, and 131l in a Cultivated Soil

Heinz Bachhuber, Kurt Bunzl, Wolfgang Schimmack

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 359-371

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Analyse /

Movement of Droplets in the Centrifugal Settler

Hiromichi Fumoto, Riyohei Kiyose

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 372-374

Technical Note / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Chemical Processing /