American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3

The Use of Reconstituted Charpy Specimens to Extend R. E. Ginna Reactor Pressure Surveillance Data

Regis P. Shogan, Stephen E. Yanichko, William S. Galloway

Nuclear Technology / Volume 72 / Number 3 / March 1986 / Pages 345-352

Technical Paper / Radiation Protection and Health Physics Practices and Experience in Operating Reactors Internationally / Material /

A technique was developed to weld end tabs on broken halves of irradiated Charpy impact specimens to produce new specimens. This method was then used to provide additional toughness data for weld metal irradiated in the R. E. Ginna reactor vessel surveillance program. The test results confirmed that the upper-shelf energy of the vessel weld surveillance metal was >68 J (50 ft·lb) as required by 10CFR50, Appendix G.