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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2

Volume 61

Number 2

A Coarse-Mesh Correction of the Finite Difference Method for Neutron Diffusion Calculations

Yasuyoshi Kato, Toshikazu Takeda, Seiichi Takeda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 127-141

Technical Paper /

Exact Solutions of the Neutron Slowing Down Equation

Trine-Yie Dawn, Chio-Min Yang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 142-158

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A Discrete Energy Formulation of Neutron Transport Theory Applied to Solving the Discrete Ordinates Equations

J. Ching, E. M. Oblow, H. Goldstein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 159-169

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Perturbation Theory and Importance Functions in Integral Transport Formulations

E. Greenspan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 170-180

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The Representation of Light-Water Reflectors by Boundary Conditions

P.C. Kalambokas, A. F. Henry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 181-194

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External Bremsstrahlung Generated by Yttrium-91 and Thallium-204 Beta Rays

K. V. N. Sarma, K. Narasimha Murty, V. V. V. Subrahmanyam

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 195-200

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Calculations of the Neutron Emission Spectra from Materials Bombarded with 14-MeV Neutrons

L. F. Hansen, S. M. Grimes, R. J. Howerton, J D. Anderson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 201-211

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The Transmutation of Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 in a High-Flux Fast Reactor with a Thermalized Central Region

M. Taube

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 212-221

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Postaccident Heat Removal—Part I: Heat Transfer Within an Internally Heated, Nonboiling Liquid Layer

Louis Baker, Jr., Richard E. Faw, Francis A. Kulacki

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 222-230

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Postaccident Heat Removal—Part II: Heat Transfer from an Internally Heated Liquid to a Melting Solid

Richard E. Faw, Louis Baker, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 231-238

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Solution of the Fuel Burnup Control Problem with a Controlling Neutron Equation and Walsh Functions

Ryuji Koga

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 239-249

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On the Dynamics of Transition Region Flow Boiling

W. C. Peterson, M. G. Zaalouk, S. İ. Güçeri

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 250-257

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A Groupwise Rebalancing Technique for Integral Transport Problems

Hsiang-Shou Cheng

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 258-261

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Two-Dimensional Calculation of a Pulse Propagation Experiment

J. M. A. Christens, P. B. Parks, N. J. Diaz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 261-267

Technical Note /

Cross Section for the 9Be(n, t1)7Li Reaction Between 13.3 and 15 MeV

F. S. Dietrich, L. F. Hansen, R. P. Koopman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 267-268

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Geometrical Efficiency Equation for Proton Recoil Telescopes

G. E. Hansen, R. K. Smith, G. G. Simons

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 269-276

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Nonlinear Dynamics of a Pressurized Water Reactor Core

R. J. Onega, K. E. Karcher

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 276-282

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Laminar-Flow Pressure Drop in Symmetrical Finite Rod Bundles

John P. Zarling

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 282-285

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