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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61

Volume 61

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Numerical Calculation of Two-Phase Flows

John R. Travis, Francis H. Harlow, Anthony A. Amsden

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 1-10

Technical Paper /

Models for Calculating the Effects of Isotopic Exchange, Radioactive Decay, and Recycle in Removing Iodine from Gas and Liquid Streams

Wallace Davis, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 11-20

Technical Paper /

Radiation-Damage Calculations: Primary Knock-On Atom Spectra, Displacement Rates, and Gas Production Rates

T. A. Gabriel, J. D. Amburgey, N. M. Greene

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 21-32

Technical Paper /

Neutron Spectrum from a Uranium-235 Sphere Bombarded by 14-MeV Neutrons

C. E. Ragan III, G. F. Auchampaugh, A. Hemmendinger, M. G. Silbert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 33-39

Technical Paper /

Cross Sections for the Production of 8- to 20-MeV Photons

G. Longo, F. Saporetti

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 40-52

Technical Paper /

Reaction Rates in a Uranium Pile Surrounding a 14-MeV Neutron Source: Calculations of the Weale Experiment

R. C. Haight, J. D. Lee, J. A. Maniscalco

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 53-59

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The Kinetics of a Coupled Two-Core Nuclear Reactor

Felix C. Difilippo, Ricardo M. Waldman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 60-71

Technical Paper /

Neutron Transport in Two Dissimilar Media with Anisotropic Scattering

A. R. Burkart, Y. Ishiguro, C. E. Siewert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 72-77

Technical Paper /

Thermal-Neutron Transport Processes in H2O-D2O Mixtures in the Temperature Range 253 to 21 K: The Possible Use of These Moderators as Cold-Neutron Sources

G. S. Gangwani, S. P. Tewari, L. S. Kothari

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 78-89

Technical Paper /

The Application of Neutron Transport Codes to the Transport of Neutrals in Plasmas

J. H. Marable, E. M. Oblow

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 90-97

Technical Paper /

Analysis of the Coarse-Mesh Rebalancing Effect on Chebyshev Polynomial Iterations

S. Nakamura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 98-106

Technical Paper /

Mass Transfer in the Contamination of Isothermal Steel Surfaces

D. H. Lister

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 107-112

Technical Note /

A Low Reynolds Number Bundle-Size Effect for Wire-Wrapped Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Assemblies

Ehsan U. Khan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 112-115

Technical Note /

A Two-Dimensional Time-Dependent Neutron Transport Calculation Using One-Dimensional Equations

Michael Boring, W. H. Roach

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 1 / September 1976 / Pages 117-118

Technical Note /

Number 2

A Coarse-Mesh Correction of the Finite Difference Method for Neutron Diffusion Calculations

Yasuyoshi Kato, Toshikazu Takeda, Seiichi Takeda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 127-141

Technical Paper /

Exact Solutions of the Neutron Slowing Down Equation

Trine-Yie Dawn, Chio-Min Yang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 142-158

Technical Paper /

A Discrete Energy Formulation of Neutron Transport Theory Applied to Solving the Discrete Ordinates Equations

J. Ching, E. M. Oblow, H. Goldstein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 159-169

Technical Paper /

Perturbation Theory and Importance Functions in Integral Transport Formulations

E. Greenspan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 170-180

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The Representation of Light-Water Reflectors by Boundary Conditions

P.C. Kalambokas, A. F. Henry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 181-194

Technical Paper /

External Bremsstrahlung Generated by Yttrium-91 and Thallium-204 Beta Rays

K. V. N. Sarma, K. Narasimha Murty, V. V. V. Subrahmanyam

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 195-200

Technical Paper /

Calculations of the Neutron Emission Spectra from Materials Bombarded with 14-MeV Neutrons

L. F. Hansen, S. M. Grimes, R. J. Howerton, J D. Anderson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 201-211

Technical Paper /

The Transmutation of Strontium-90 and Cesium-137 in a High-Flux Fast Reactor with a Thermalized Central Region

M. Taube

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 212-221

Technical Paper /

Postaccident Heat Removal—Part I: Heat Transfer Within an Internally Heated, Nonboiling Liquid Layer

Louis Baker, Jr., Richard E. Faw, Francis A. Kulacki

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 222-230

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Postaccident Heat Removal—Part II: Heat Transfer from an Internally Heated Liquid to a Melting Solid

Richard E. Faw, Louis Baker, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 231-238

Technical Paper /

Solution of the Fuel Burnup Control Problem with a Controlling Neutron Equation and Walsh Functions

Ryuji Koga

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 239-249

Technical Paper /

On the Dynamics of Transition Region Flow Boiling

W. C. Peterson, M. G. Zaalouk, S. İ. Güçeri

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 250-257

Technical Paper /

A Groupwise Rebalancing Technique for Integral Transport Problems

Hsiang-Shou Cheng

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 258-261

Technical Note /

Two-Dimensional Calculation of a Pulse Propagation Experiment

J. M. A. Christens, P. B. Parks, N. J. Diaz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 261-267

Technical Note /

Cross Section for the 9Be(n, t1)7Li Reaction Between 13.3 and 15 MeV

F. S. Dietrich, L. F. Hansen, R. P. Koopman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 267-268

Technical Note /

Geometrical Efficiency Equation for Proton Recoil Telescopes

G. E. Hansen, R. K. Smith, G. G. Simons

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 269-276

Technical Note /

Nonlinear Dynamics of a Pressurized Water Reactor Core

R. J. Onega, K. E. Karcher

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 276-282

Technical Note /

Laminar-Flow Pressure Drop in Symmetrical Finite Rod Bundles

John P. Zarling

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 2 / October 1976 / Pages 282-285

Technical Note /

Number 3

Two-Phase Pressure Drop Across Abrupt Area Changes in Oscillatory Flow

J. Weisman, T. Ake, R. Knott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 297-309

Technical Paper /

Transient Freezing of a Flowing Ceramic Fuel in a Steel Channel

Michael Epstein, Michael A. Grolmes, Robert E. Henry, Hans K. Fauske

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 310-323

Technical Paper /

Experimental Development of Design Criteria to Limit Liquid Cross-Flow-Induced Vibration in Nuclear Reactor Heat Exchange Equipment

D. J. Gorman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 324-336

Technical Paper /

Cross Sections for the Al(n, xn) and Al(n, xγ) Reactions Between 1 and 20 MeV

G. L. Morgan, F. G. Perey

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 337-345

Technical Paper /

Neutron Capture Cross Section of Cobalt-59 in the Energy Range 2.5 to 1000 keV

R. R. Spencer, R. L. Macklin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 346-355

Technical Paper /

Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Americium-241

L. W. Weston, J. H. Todd

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 356-365

Technical Paper /

Light Charged Particles and Fission Elements from Californium-252 Fission

Charles A. Bolig, Jr., R. R. Roy

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 366-369

Technical Paper /

Critical Experiments with Low-Moderated Homogeneous Mixtures of Plutonium and Uranium Oxides Containing 8, 15, and 30 wt% Plutonium

S. R. Bierman, E. D. Clayton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 370-376

Technical Paper /

A Simple Approximate Treatment of Neutron Inelastic Scattering in a Fast Reactor Assembly

Yasunori Yamamura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 377-387

Technical Paper /

Synthesis of an Elementary Function for the Spatially Dependent Neutron Slowing Down Distribution in Hydrogen

Harvey J. Amster, K. Cheuk Chan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 388-398

Technical Paper /

Stability Analysis of Spatially Dependent Nonlinear Reactor Systems Using a Semigroup Approach

Ronald J. Onega, Lech Mync, John A. Burns

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 399-407

Technical Paper /

A Method of Characteristics and Other Improvements in Solution Methods for the Transport Equation

Bengt G. Carlson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 408-425

Technical Paper /

Observation of a Difference in Yields of Delayed Neutron Emitters from U3O8 and UO2

H. R. Lukens, R. L. Bramblett

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 426-428

Technical Note /

Critical Experiments and the 2200 m/sec Neutron Parameters

R. Gwin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 428-431

Technical Note /

Acceleration of the Convergence of the Integral Transform Method

V. C. Boffi, V. G. Molinari, G. Spiga

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 431-434

Technical Note /

Generalized Exact Spatially Dependent Neutron Slowing Down Distribution Near Source Lethargy

K. Cheuk Chan, Harvey J. Amster

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 434-437

Technical Note /

Control Algorithms in a Coarse-Mesh Rebalance Framework

M. V. Gregory, H. C. Honeck

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 3 / November 1976 / Pages 437-445

Technical Note /

Number 4

An Early-Time Analysis of Space-Dependent Nuclear Reactor Transients

S. L. Paveri-Fontana, P. L. Chambré

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 451-465

Technical Paper /

Reactor-Fuel-Independent Reactivity Determinations

S. Pearlstein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 466-470

Technical Paper /

Measurement of the Ratio of Fission to Capture Neutron Cross Sections in Uranium-235 in the 200-eV to 15-keV Energy Range

H. Bluhm, C. S. Yen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 471-476

Technical Paper /

Fission Cross Section of Neptunium-237 from 3 eV to 2 MeV

S. Plattard, J. Blons, D. Paya

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 477-495

Technical Paper /

The ENDF/B-IV Representation of the Uranium-238, Total Neutron Cross Section in the Resolved Resonance Energy Region

G. de Saussure, D. K. Olsen, R. B. Perez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 496-506

Technical Paper /

Measurement of the Angular Neutron Energy Spectra Originating from a 14-MeV Neutron Source in Liquid Air

K. Clausen, B. Bröcker, P. Schneider-Kühnle, M. Weinert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 507-520

Technical Paper /

Differential Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 9- to 15-MeV Neutrons from Carbon

D. W. Glasgow, F. O. Purser, H. Hogue, J. C. Clement, K. Stelzer, G. Mack, J. R. Boyce, D. H. Epperson, S. G. Buccino, P. W. Lisowski, S. G. Glendinning, E. G. Bilpuch, H. W. Newson, C. R. Gould

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 521-533

Technical Paper /

Spherical Harmonics Approximations of Neutron Transport

A. Demény, K. M. Dede, K. Erdei

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 534-535

Technical Note /

A Numerical Method for Solving the Integral Equation of Neutron Transport: III

Robert W. Tsai, Sudarshan K. Loyalka

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 536-540

Technical Note /

Measurement of Cross Sections for the 7Li(n, n′γ)7Li Reaction from 0.57 to 4 MeV

Donald L. Smith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 540-543

Technical Note /

Rational Approximations for Cross-Section Space-Shielding in Doubly Heterogeneous Systems

M. G. Stamatelatos

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 543-549

Technical Note /

Basic Collapse Criteria for Boiling Reactor-Fuel-Steel Mixtures

Paul B. Abramson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 61 / Number 4 / December 1976 / Pages 549-552

Technical Note /