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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52

Volume 52

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Singular Eigenfunction Solution of the Monoenergetic Neutron Transport Equation for Finite Radially Reflected Critical Cylinders

Robert M. Westfall, Dale R. Metcalf

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 1-11

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Two-Dimensional Neutron Transport Calculations Using the Response Matrix Method

W. L. Filippone

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 23-34

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Neutron Spectra from Deuteron Bombardment of D, Li, Be, and C

K. A. Weaver, J. D. Anderson, H. H. Barschall, J. C. Davis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 35-45

Technical Paper /

Simultaneous Measurements of the Neutron Fission and Capture Cross Sections for Uranium-235 for Neutron Energies from 8 eV to 10 keV

R. B. Perez, G. de Saussure, E. G. Silver, R. W. Ingle, H. Weaver

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 46-72

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The Criticality of High Burnup Plutonium

R. C. Lloyd, E. D. Clayton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 73-75

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Estimation of Time-Varying Reactivity Using a Method of Nonlinear Filtering

Yoshikuni Shinohara, Ritsuo Oguma

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 76-83

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Optimization of Material Distributions in Fast Reactor Cores

Constantine P. Tzanos, Elias P. Gyftopoulos, Michael J. Driscoll

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 84-94

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A Probabilistic Method for Identifying Failed Fuel Elements Using a Gas Tag System

F. Schmittroth

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 95-106

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Effect of Streamwise Heat Conduction on Heat Transfer from a Nonisothermal Flat Plate at Low Prandtl Numbers

Takao Sano

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 107-116

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Calculation of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors Including the Contribution of Bremsstrahlung

John Paul Kuspa, Nick Tsoulfanidis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 117-123

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Shielding of Manned Space Vehicles Against Galactic Cosmic-Ray Protons and Alpha Particles

R. T. Santoro, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., K. C. Chandler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 124-129

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Monte Carlo Simulation of Radiation-Induced Plasmas

Benjamin S. Wang, George H. Miley

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 130-141

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Sums of Integral Powers of Consecutive Integers

E. Creutz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 142-144

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A Simple Calculation of the Time Dependence of the Second Spatial Moment

G. C. Pomraning

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 144-145

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Resonance Interference Effects in Fast-Neutron Reactions

V. C. Rogers

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 145-147

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Estimation of the Time Decay Constant

Yigal Ronen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 147-150

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On a Critical Condition

C. E. Siewert, E. E. Burniston

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 1 / September 1973 / Pages 150-151

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Number 2

Efficient Methods for the Treatment of Resonance Cross Sections

Richard N. Hwang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 157-175

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Fission Cross Section of Plutonium-238

M. G. Silbert, A. Moat, T. E. Young

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 176-186

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Neutron Capture Cross Section of Plutonium-238: Determination of Resonance Parameters

M. G. Silbert, J. R. Berreth

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 187-200

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On the Discrepancy Between Measured and Calculated Central Reactivity Coefficients

R. A. Karam, W. Y. Kato

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 201-208

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Is the Calculation of Neutron Age from Experiments Using Extended Planar Sources Valid?

Bryan F. Gore

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 209-214

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Reflector Effect on Neutron Wave Propagation in Multiplying Media

Gad Shani

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 215-226

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A Benchmark Experiment for Neutron Transport in Iron and Stainless Steel

R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 227-246

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Relativistic Invariance and Photon-Electron Scattering Kernels in Transport Theory

B. R. Wienke

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 247-253

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Measurements of Fast-Neutron Spectra in Reactor Shields

C. David Livengood, C. Keith Paulson, H. E. Hungerford

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 254-266

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Power Pulse Fluctuations of a Periodically Pulsed Fast Reactor

D. Schwalm

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 267-274

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Optimal Estimation for Space-Time Reactor Processes

Andrzej Maslowski

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 2 / October 1973 / Pages 274-278

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Number 3

Digital Model Simulation of a Nuclear Pressurizer

R. C. Baron

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 283-291

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The New Equilibrium State of a Perturbed Nuclear Reactor with Negative Feedback

Dong H. Nguyen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 292-298

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Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross Section of Holmium-165 and Gold-197

J. B. Czirr, M. L. Stelts

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 299-309

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Resonance and Thermal-Neutron Total Cross Sections for Promethium-147 and Promethium-148m

G. J. Kirouac, H. M. Eiland, C. A. Conrad, R. E. Slovacek, K. W. Seemann

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 310-320

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Some Measurements of the Thermalization of Neutrons in a Cylindrical Shell

A. U. Rehman, D. G. Andrews

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 321-329

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Comparison of Proton-Recoil and Time-of-Flight Neutron Spectral Measurements with Transport Calculations in Two Uranium-235-Fueled Fast Subcritical Reactors

V. V. Verbinski, J. C. Young, J. M. Neill

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 330-342

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Measurement of the Effective Delayed-Neutron Fraction in Three Different Cores of the Fast Assembly FRO

L. Moberg, J. Kockum

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 343-349

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Critical Three-Dimensional Arrays of U(93.2)-Metal Cylinders

J. T. Thomas

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 350-359

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Reactivity Worths of Plutonium-Uranium Clusters in a Heavy-Water-Moderated Assembly by the Reactor Oscillation Method

A. Boeuf, G. Casini, E. Macke, L. T. Papay, S. Tassan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 360-381

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Multilevel Effects in the Unresolved Resonances Region of the Cross Sections of Fissile Nuclides

G. de Saussure, R. B. Perez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 382-395

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The Method of Correlated Temperatures for Determining the Hot Channel Factor in a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor

B. B. Chu, M. Mazumdar

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 396-398

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Displacement Cross Sections for Iron, Chromium, Nickel, Stainless Steel, and Tantalum

D. G. Doran

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 398-402

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A New Variational Method for Pulsed-Neutron and Diffusion-Length Problems in Nonmultiplying Assemblies

Subhash Saini, Feroz Ahmed, L. S. Kothari

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 402-405

Technical Note /

The Uranium-233 Fission Neutron Spectrum from 0.8 to 10 MeV

L. Green, J. A. Mitchell, N. M. Steen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 406-412

Technical Note /

The Transformation of a Set of Multilevel Resonance Parameters into an Equivalent Set of Single-Level Pseudoparameters and a“Smooth Background”

G. de Saussure, R. B. Perez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 412-416

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The Energy Levels of Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239

U. Satyanarayana, S. Ramamurty

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Page 417

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Fissionability and Criticality: From Protactinium to Californium and Beyond

E. D. Clayton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 3 / November 1973 / Pages 417-420

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Number 4

A Formal Methodology for Fault Tree Construction

J. B. Fussell

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 421-432

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The Analysis of Metal-Water Explosions

S. J. Board, R. B. Duffey, C. L. Farmer, D. H. Poole

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 433-438

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A Comparison Between Neutron Waves Reflected from the Reflector and from the Core of a Water-Moderated and -Reflected Reactor

Gad Shani

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 439-446

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Finite Element Analysis of Some Critical Fast Assemblies

Juhani Pitkäranta, Pekka Silvennoinen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 447-453

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The Collided Flux Expansion Method for Time-Dependent Neutron Transport

Barry D. Ganapol, Lawrence M. Grossman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 454-460

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On the P-Wave Strength Functions of Thorium-232 and Uranium-238

M. Goldsmith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 461-465

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Mass Distribution of Fission Products Following Photofission of Uranium-238

D. Swindle, R. Wright, K. Takahashi, W. H. Rivera, J. L. Meason

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 466-473

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Intensities of the 2158- and 2505-keV Gamma Rays in the Decay of Cobalt-60

Masatoshi Fujishiro

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 474-481

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Anisotropic Elastic Scattering and Moving Media

B. R. Wienke

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 482-484

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An Effect of Neutron Inelastic Scattering on the Parameters of Fast Critical Assemblies

Péter Vértes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Page 485

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Calculations of Fast-Reactor Data-Testing Assemblies Utilizing Cross Sections from the MC2 and SDX Codes

E. M. Pennington

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 486-492

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Integration over Discontinuous Trial Functions in Flux Synthesis

Daniel K. Butler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 492-494

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Some Modifications in the Anisotropic Source-Flux Iteration Technique

D. V. Gopinath, K. Santhanam, D. P. Burte

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 494-498

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Conservation During Doppler Broadening

Dermott E. Cullen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 498-500

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Nonobservability of the (n, γn’) Process at keV Neutron Energies

P. A. Moldauer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 52 / Number 4 / December 1973 / Pages 500-501

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