American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7

Volume 197

Number 7

Post-Neutron Mass Yield Distribution in the Epi-Cadmium Neutron-Induced Fission of 229Th

H. Naik, R. J. Singh, S. P. Dange, W. Jang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1265-1278

Technical Paper /

Post-Neutron Mass Yield Distribution in the Epi-Cadmium Neutron-Induced Fission of 245Cm

H. Naik, R. J. Singh, W. Jang, S. P. Dange

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1279-1292

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141Pr(α,x): New Cross-Section Data With Special Reference to 140Nd Production for Medicine

Ekaterina Sergeevna Kormazeva, Anastasia Romanovna Kulakova, Vladimir Ilyich Novikov, Ramiz Avtandilovich Aliev

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1293-1304

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Uncertainty Propagation in UAM Time-Dependent Neutronics PWR Studies

M. D. Tucker, D. R. Novog

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1305-1330

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Analysis of Major Benchmark Uncertainties for Fast Metal Assemblies in the ICSBEP Handbook

Theresa Cutler, Kelsey Amundson, Jesson Hutchinson, Nick Thompson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1331-1355

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An Analytic Benchmark for Neutron Boltzmann Transport with Downscattering—Part III: Uncertainty Propagation and Multigroup Covariance Matrices

Ketaki Joshi, Nicholas Branam, Isaac Meyer, Ben Forget, Abdulla Alhajri, Vladimir Sobes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1356-1363

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High-Order Accurate Solutions of the Point Kinetics Equations with the Spectral Deferred Correction Method

Qicang Shen, Brendan Kochunas

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1364-1385

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Multigroup Neutron Transport Using a Collision-Based Hybrid Method

Ben Whewell, Ryan G. McClarren, Cory D. Hauck, Minwoo Shin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1386-1405

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Deep Learning for Multigroup Cross-Section Representation in Two-Step Core Calculations

Nicolas Martin, Zachary Prince, Vincent Labouré, Mauricio Tano-Retamales

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1406-1435

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Development and Validation of Thermal-Mechanical Creep Failure Module for Reactor Pressure Vessel Lower Head

Hao Yang, Bin Zhang, Pengcheng Gao, Runze Zhai, Jianqiang Shan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1436-1453

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Research and Application of the Rehomogenization Method for PWR Core Neutron Physics Simulation

Chenghui Wan, Wenchang Dong, Lin Guo, Jiahe Bai

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1454-1466

Technical Paper /

Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the AFIP-7 Irradiation Test in the Advanced Test Reactor—Oxide Growth Prediction and Correlation

Changhu Xing, Casey J. Jesse, Warren F. Jones, Maxine P. Johnson, Ann Marie Phillips, Theron D. Marshall

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1467-1478

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Compensated Feedwater Pump Control Analysis of Effect of Baseload Electricity Demand Reduction on Nuclear Steam Supply System

Frederick Agyemang, Stephen Yamoah, Seth Kofi Debrah

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1479-1490

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Generation IV Nuclear Reactor: Coolant Materials in the Supercritical State

A. Ramesh, R. Balasubramanian

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1491-1505

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Investigation of the Influence of TeO2 on the Elastic and Radiation Shielding Capabilities of Phospho-Tellurite Glasses Doped With Sm2O3

Sangeeta B. Kolavekar, G. B. Hiremath, N. M. Badiger, N. H. Ayachit

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1506-1519

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Impact of the Melt-Refining Process on the Performance of Sodium-Cooled Rotational Fuel-Shuffling Breed-and-Burn Reactors

Van Khanh Hoang, Odmaa Sambuu, Jun Nishiyama, Toru Obara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1520-1533

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Radiation Dose Assessment of Tritium Released from the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor

Wenyu Cheng, Jie Liang, Mingjun Zhang, Fei Wei, Jinglin Li, Xiaochong Xue, Youshi Zeng, Ke Deng, Qin Zhang, Wei Liu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 197 / Number 7 / July 2023 / Pages 1534-1544

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