Management of Tritium in ITER Waste
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 855-860
ITER / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
A Neutral Beam Injector for Fuelling a Fusion Device with Atomic Tritium
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 861-864
ITER / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 865-868
ITER / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Creation of ISO Standards Related to the Confinement Systems in Tritium Facilities
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 869-872
ITER / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
The European Supplied Components of the ITER Vacuum Pumping Systems
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 873-876
ITER / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
First Use of Tritium at the National Ignition Facility
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 879-884
ICF / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Facilities for the LMJ Cryogenic Targets
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 885-888
ICF / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Ageing Studies for "LMJ Target" Applications: Poliymide and CHx Membranes Permeation Results
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 889-892
ICF / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Leakage Control of Tritium Through Heat Cycles of Conceptual-Design, Laser-Fusion Reactor KOYO-F
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 893-896
ICF / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
The Behaviors of Tritium and Helium-3 in China Developed Hydrogen Resistant Stainless Steels
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 899-904
Tritium Storage / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Progress of Helium Evolution in Aging Titanium Tritide Film
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 905-909
Tritium Storage / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
A Normetex Model 15 m3/Hr Water Vapor Pumping Test
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 910-913
Tritium Storage / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
A Prototype Four-Inch Short Hydride (FISH) Bed as a Replacement Tritium Storage Bed
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 914-917
Tritium Storage / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Performance Test of Pump Combination Between Normetex 15 Scroll and MB 601 Pumps
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 918-921
Tritium Storage / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 925-930
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 931-936
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Reachable Accuracy and Precision for Tritium Measurements by Calorimetry at TLK
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 937-940
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Tritiated Water
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 941-943
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Measurement in High Gamma-Ray Radiation Fields by Using an Imaging Plate
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 944-947
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 948-951
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Water Monitoring System Based on CaF2 Flow-Cell Detector
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 952-955
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Infrared Spectroscopy in Liquid Hydrogen Isotopologues for the ISS of ITER
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 956-959
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 960-963
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium In-Bed Accountability for a Passively Cooled, Electrically Heated Hydride (PACE) Bed
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 964-967
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 968-971
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
A New Method to Measure Small Volumes in Tritium Handling Facilities, Using p-V Measurements
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 972-975
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 976-981
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Measurement of Highly Tritiated Water by Imaging Plate
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 982-985
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Stability of NaI(Tl) Detector for Tritium Monitor of BIXS Use to Hot Environment
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 986-989
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Determination of Tritiated Water Activity Using EPR Spectrometry
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 990-993
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Monitoring Using Magnetically-Levitated-Electrode Ionization Chambers
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 994-997
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 998-1001
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Monitoring in the Environment at Tritium Separation Facility - ICIT
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1002-1005
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Radiochemical Analysis of Tritium for ITER Type B Metallic Radwastes
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1006-1009
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Effect of Tritium Storage Vessel and Aluminum Secondary Container on Calorimeter Performance
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1010-1013
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Monitoring for Liquid Lithium by Permeation Through Iron Window
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1014-1017
Measurement, Monitoring, and Accountancy / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Refurbishment of the Tritium Laboratory from NIPNE Romania
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1021-1024
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
HTO Contamination on Polymeric Materials
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1025-1028
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1029-1032
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Depth Profile of Tritium Production in Concrete Around a Fusion Device
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1033-1036
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Effects of Tritium Gas Exposure on Polymers
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1037-1040
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Behavior of Tritiated Water on Concrete Materials
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1041-1044
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
A Model for Removal of Surface-Bound Tritium Using Humid Air
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1045-1048
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
In Situ Tritum Measurements and Control by Laser Techniques
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1049-1052
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Uptake and Distribution of Tritium in Copper
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1053-1056
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1057-1060
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Transfer in Porous Concrete Materials Coated with Hydrophobic Paints
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1061-1064
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1065-1068
Contamination and Waste / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Breeding Ratio Required to Keep Tritium Balance in a D-T Fusion Reactor
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1071-1076
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
R&D Activities on the Tritium Storage and Delivery System in Korea
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1077-1082
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Past 25 Years Results for Large Amount of Tritium Handling Technology in JAEA
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1083-1087
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Between Fusion and Cosmology - The Future of the Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1088-1091
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Commissioning Scenario Without Initial Tritium Inventory for a Demonstration Reactor Demo-CREST
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1092-1095
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Research Activities in KAERI
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1096-1100
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Improvement of Ultimate Pressure of Oil-Free Reciprocating Pump for Tritium Service
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1101-1104
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Assay and Dispensing in TriMARS
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1105-1108
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Fuel System Assessment on Economics and CO2 Emissions in DT Fusion Reactors
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1109-1112
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Optimization of DT Fueling Ratio in a Tokamak Fusion Reactor
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1113-1116
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fifteen Years of Operation of CECE Experimental Industrial Plant in PNPI
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1117-1120
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Analysis on Initial Tritium Supply for Starting Up Fusion Power Reactor FDS-II
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1121-1124
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1125-1128
Concept and Facility / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1131-1134
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Electromigration of Tritium in V-4Cr-4Ti
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1135-1138
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Study of Tritium and Helium Release from Irradiated Lithium Ceramics Li2TiO3
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1139-1142
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1143-1146
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Effect of Grain Size on Hydrogen Isotope Behavior in LiNbO3
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1147-1150
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Effect of Water Formation Reaction on Tritium Release Behavior from Li4SiO4
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1151-1154
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
First-Principles Study of Water Adsorption on -Al2O3(0001): Influence of Hydrogen Isotope
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1155-1158
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1159-1162
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Permeation of Two-Component Hydrogen Isotopes in Lithium-Lead Eutectic Alloy
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1163-1166
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Study on Tritium Release Behavior from Li2ZrO3
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1167-1170
Blanket and Breeder Materials / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Assessment of Biological Effect of Tritiated Water by Using Hypersensitive System
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1173-1178
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1179-1182
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Mutations Induced by Tritiated Water in Mouse Spleen
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1183-1185
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Possible Role of WRN Protein in Cellular Response Induced by a Little DNA Damage
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1186-1189
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Activation of EGFR, AKT and ERK1/2 by Exposure to Tritiated Water in Human Tumor Cells
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1190-1192
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1193-1196
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
The Induction of Radioadaptive Response by 3H-Thymidine in Mouse Fibroblast Cells
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1197-1199
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Tritium Concentration in the Environment and Genomic DNA
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1200-1203
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /
Development of a Sensitive Assay System for Tritium Risk Assessment Using Rev1 Transgenic Mouse
Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 60 / Number 3 / October 2011 / Pages 1204-1207
Biology / Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology /