American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2

Volume 124

Number 2

Assessment and Improvement of Condensation Models in RELAP5/MOD3.2

Ki Yong Choi, Hyun Sik Park, Sang Jae Kim, Hee Cheon No, Yong Seok Bang

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 103-117

Technical Paper / Thermal Hydraulics /

Nuclear Power Plant Transient Diagnostics Using Transfer Functions as Estimators

Igor Salamun, Andrej Stritar

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 118-137

Technical Paper / Reactor Operations and Control /

Dose-Reduction Improvements in Storage Basins of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Frank H. Huang, Francis W. Moore

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 138-146

Technical Paper / Decontamination/Decommissioning /

Newly Developed Decontamination Technology Based on Gaseous Reactions Converting to Carbonyl and Fluoric Compounds

Katsuyoshi Tatenuma, Yukio Hishinuma, Satoshi Tomatsuri, Kousaburo Ohashi, Yoshiharu Usui

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 147-164

Technical Paper / Decontamination/Decommissioning /

Calculations Simulating Spent-Fuel Leaching Experiments

Hilbert Christensen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 165-174

Technical Paper / Materials for Nuclear Systems /

Conceptual Design of a Californium-Based Epithermal Neutron Beam for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using a Subcritical Multiplying Assembly

Do Heon Kim, Jong Kyung Kim

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 175-182

Technical Paper / Radiation Biology and Medicine /

Estimate of the Radiation Environment and of the Shielding Aspect for the Large Hadron Collider POINT2 Area

Galina Chabratova, Lars Leistam

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 183-191

Technical Paper / Accelerators /

Radioactive Release and Dose Calculations for the HTR-10

Yuan-Zhong Liu

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 192-197

Technical Note / Reactor Safety /