American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2

Estimate of the Radiation Environment and of the Shielding Aspect for the Large Hadron Collider POINT2 Area

Galina Chabratova, Lars Leistam

Nuclear Technology / Volume 124 / Number 2 / November 1998 / Pages 183-191

Technical Paper / Accelerators /

Estimates are presented of the radiation environment for POINT2 of the Large Hadron Collider, where the ALICE detector is to be located. The radiation environment is studied in terms of two points of accidental beam losses. The dose level in the region of the counting rooms is lower than the recommended CERN limit of 50 mSv. The radiation level behind the access shielding at the air-duct chicane is not higher than 10 mSv; this area is also appropriated for use as a public area. A more complicated situation is in the machine bypass region. The dose level in the tunnel is a few hundred millisieverts, and a decrease of this level could be achieved by increasing the thickness of the wall or the beam pipe shielding.