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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1

Volume 64

Number 1

Preface: Improved Methods for Analysis of Nuclear Systems

Kaye D. Lathrop, Chairman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Page 1

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Tokamak Transport Simulation Models

John T. Hogan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 2-17

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Computation of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow in a Magnetically Confined Plasma

D. C. Barnes, J. U. Brackbill

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 18-32

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Velocity-Space Methods for Fusion Reactor Plasmas

Niels K. Winsor

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 33-40

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Particle Simulation Models and Their Application to Controlled Fusion

H. Okuda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 41-48

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Laser Fusion Hydrodynamics Calculations

Gregory A. Moses

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 49-63

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Computational Benchmark Problems—A Review of Recent Work Within the American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computation Division

H. L. Dodds, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 64-73

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Benchmark Calculations for a Sodium-Cooled Breeder Reactor by Two- and Three-Dimensional Diffusion Methods

G. Buckel, K. Küfner, B. Stehle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 75-89

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Benchmark Analysis of Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Nuclear Design Methods

E. Kujawski, H. S. Bailey

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 90-94

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CANDU Reactor Kinetics Benchmark Activity

F. N. McDonnell, A. P. Baudouin, P. M. Garvey, J. C. Luxat

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 95-105

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Numerical Standards for Flow-Boiling Analysis

W. T. Hancox, S. Banerjee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 106-123

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New Areas for Benchmark Computation

E. M. Gelbard, H. Henryson II

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 124-131

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Two-Dimensional Finite Element Calculational Methods for Plasma Diffusion in Low-Beta Devices

R. England, J. P. Hennart, J. G. Martin, L. Melendez L., S. M. Waller

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 132-140

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Fluid Simulation of Large Tokamak Plasmas Using a Variable Spatial Mesh, Variable Time-Step Implicit Procedure

Wayne A. Houlberg, Robert W. Conn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 141-150

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New Techniques for Studying Some Effects of Suprathermal Alpha Particles

T. W. Petrie, G. H. Miley

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 151-162

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Growth and Saturation of Instability of Spherical Implosions Driven by Laser or Charged Particle Beams

R. L. McCrory, R. L. Morse, K. A. Taggart

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 163-176

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A Finite Difference Method for Thermally Expandable Fluid Transients

T. A. Porsching

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 177-186

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Computing a Two-Dimensional Quench Front

D. Durack, B. Wendroff

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 187-191

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A Local Green's Function Method for the Numerical Solution of Heat Conduction and Fluid Flow Problems

William C. Horak, J. J. Dorning

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 192-207

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Efficient High-Order Method for the Solution of Fluid Dynamics Equations

P. Romstedt, W. Werner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 208-218

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Prospects for Accurate Computer Simulations of Fluid Dynamics Problems of Nuclear Reactors

Patrick J. Roache

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 219-221

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An Efficient Multidimensional Numerical Method for the Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Cores

Robert E. Masterson, Lothar Wolf

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 222-236

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A Eulerian Computation Method for Fluid Flows with Large Density Gradients at All Speeds

C. W. Stewart, T. L. George

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 237-243

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Three-Dimensional Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Wire-Wrapped Rods in Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Core Assemblies

M. C. Chuang, M. D. Carelli, C. W. Bach, J. S. Killimayer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 244-257

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Comparison of Two Uncertainty Analysis Methods

Neil D. Cox

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 258-265

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Fission Product Release Calculations from a Reactor Containment Building

Clarence E. Lee, Courtney E. Apperson, Jr., John E. Foley

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 266-275

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Optimum Design of Loss-of-Coolant-Accident Codes Panel Discussion

H. C. Honeck, G. A. Mortensen, W. H. Reed, K. Richert, R. J. Wagner, Wolfgang Wulff

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 64 / Number 1 / September 1977 / Pages 276-277

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