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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3

Volume 49

Number 3

Tritium Generation in the Coolant-Moderator of Pressurized Water Reactors

Karl Hornyik

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 247-254

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Optimum Binary Signals for Reactor Frequency Response Measurements

M. R. Buckner, T. W. Kerlin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 255-262

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Minimum Critical Mass in Intermediate Reactors Subject to Constraints on Power Density and Fuel Enrichment

P. Goldschmidt

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 263-273

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Critical Experiments for the Brookhaven Pulsed Fast Reactor Study

J. Phelps, H. Windsor, H. Takahashi, J. Conant, K. Chandramoleswar

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 274-300

Technical Paper /

The Angular Distribution of Thermal Neutrons at the Surfaces of Black and Grey Cylinders

D. G. Doutriaux, D. G. Andrews

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 301-309

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The Ratio of the Uranium-238 to Uranium-235 Fission Cross Sections from 1 to 5 MeV

J. W. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 310-316

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Neutron Capture Cross Sections in the keV Region for 154Sm, 160Gd, 164Dy, and 165Ho

L. R. Fawcett, Jr., A. Keith Furr, J. G. Lindsay

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 317-329

Technical Paper /

Measurement and Analysis of Fast Neutron Spectra in Uranium Depleted in the Uranium-235 Isotope

N. N. Kaushal, B. K. Malaviya, M. Becker, E.T. Burns, E. R. Gaerttner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 330-348

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Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Shielding Calculations and Determination of Shielding Parameters with Bremsstrahlung Radiation

L. F. Rodriguez, A. Shapiro

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 349-357

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Measurement of the Ratio of the Prompt to the Delayed Neutronic Response of a Self-Powered Vanadium Detector by Cross-Correlation Techniques

W. Seifritz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 358-369

Technical Paper /

The Integral Transform Method for the Average Neutron Transport Properties of a Lattice

M. opi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 370-376

Technical Note /

Analytical Treatment of Neutron Age in Perpendicular Direction in Slab Lattices

Kalimullah, K. S. Ram, G. Srikantiah

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 376-384

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The Treatment of Boundary Value Problems in Optically Thick Media by Means of Lie Series

T. Auerbach, W. Hälg, J. Mennig

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 384-387

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Calculations of Cadmium Cutoff Energies

Antanasije Koci

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 387-389

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Note on the Fast Neutron Cross Sections of Palladium

A. B. Smith, P. Lambropoulos, P. Guenther, J. Whalen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 389-392

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Total Neutron Cross Section of Mylar at Low Energies

C. Castro Madero, F. Kropff, A. Oliva, J. M. Neill

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 392-393

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Specification and Testing of Nuclear Data Required for Monte Carlo Transport Calculations

E. D. Cashwell, E. F. Plechaty

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 394-395

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The Validity of Using Only Primary Protons in Van Allen Belt and Solar-Flare Proton Shielding Studies

R. T. Santoro, R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., J. Barish

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 395-398

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Laminar- and Slug-Flow Heat Transfer Characteristics of Fuel Rods Adjacent to Fuel Subassembly Walls

Chia-Jung Hsu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 49 / Number 3 / November 1972 / Pages 398-404

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