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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42

Volume 42

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

Nonlinear Oscillations and Stability of a Nuclear Reactor with Two Reactivity Feedbacks

Theodore R. Schmidt, David L. Hetrick

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 1-9

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Effect of Delayed Neutrons on Autonomous Nonlinear Power Oscillations

Louis M. Shotkin, David L. Hetrick, Theodore R. Schmidt

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 10-15

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A Measurement of the Neutronic Interaction Between Two Cylindrical Moderators

G. Grosshög

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 16-22

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An Improved Collision Probability Method for Thermal-Neutron-Flux Calculation in a Cylindrical Reactor Cell

T. Boševski

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 23-27

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High Resolution Measurements of the Total Neutron Cross Sections of Nitrogen and Iron

A. D. Carlson, R. J. Cerbone

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 28-40

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Calculation of the Radiation Hazard at Supersonic Aircraft Altitudes Produced by an Energetic Solar Flare—II

T. W. Armstrong, H. S. Moran

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 41-48

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Prediction of Residual Fluxes of Heavy Particles Escaping Radioactive Surfaces

Jacob B. Romero

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 49-57

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The Importance of Gravitational Coagulation on the Settling of High-Mass Density Aerosols

G. C. Lindauer, A. W. Castleman, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 58-63

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Geometry for Efficient External and Internal Cooling of Cylindrical Heat Sources

G. Melese-d'Hospital

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 64-68

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Effects of Cladding Thickness and Thermal Conductivity on Heat Transfer for Laminar In-Line Flow Through Rod Bundles

O. E. Dwyer, H. C. Berry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 69-80

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Laminar-Flow Heat Transfer for In-Line Flow Through Unbaffled Rod Bundles

O. E. Dwyer, H. C. Berry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 81-88

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Optimization of Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Blankets

C. Maeder

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 89-93

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Space Dependence of the Reactor Kinetic Parameter as Measured by the Garelis-Russell Method

C. Laperches, F. J. Munno

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 93-97

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Calculations of Neutron Time-Energy Distributions in Heavy Moderators

T. J. Williamson, R. W. Albrecht

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 97-100

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The Formulation of Continuous Slowing Down Theory for General Processes in Terms of Separable Kernels

Martin Becker, Edward T. Burns

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 100-103

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On the Discrete Spectrum of the Transport Operator

Pekka Silvennoinen, P. F. Zweifel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 103-104

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The Average Angle of Scattering in Energy-Dependent Problems

Frank McGirt, Martin Becker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 104-106

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The Effect of Plutonium-241 Decay on the Analysis of Plutonium Critical Experiments

V. O. Uotinen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 107-109

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Effective Atomic Numbers for Gamma-Ray Interactions in Alloys

V. Seshagiri Rao, M. N. Seetharamanath, K. Narasimha Murty, K. Parthasaradhi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 1 / October 1970 / Pages 109-111

Technical Note /

Number 2

Time-Dependent Neutron Spectra Measurements in Water

J. H. Menzel, R. E. Slovacek, E. R. Gaerttner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 119-136

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A Calculation of the Coherent Neutron Scattering from Polycrystalline Beryllium

G. M. Borgonovi, D. Sprevak

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 137-142

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Neutron Fission and Capture Cross-Section Measurements for Uranium-233 in the Energy Region 0.02 to 1 eV

L. W. Weston, R. Gwin, G. de Saussure, R. W. Ingle, J. H. Todd, C, W. Craven, R. W. Hockenbury, R. C. Block

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 143-149

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Exponential Experiments with Lattices of Uranium-233 Oxide and Thorium Oxide in Light and Heavy Water

H. H. Windsor, W. J. Tunney, G. A. Price

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 150-161

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Neutron Transmission Probabilities Across Control Blades Filled with Round Tubes: Formulation and Accuracy

M. Michelini

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 162-170

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On the Complete Eigenvalue Spectrum for the Neutron Wave Problem in Multigroup Diffusion Theory

A. K. Ghatak, N. K. Bansal, Om Pal Singh

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 171-178

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Conditional Variances Pertinent to Doppler Effect Studies

R. N. Hwang, L. B. Miller

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 179-190

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Fission Yields of Over 40 Stable and Long-Lived Fission Products for Thermal Neutron Fissioned 233U, 235U, 239Pu, and 241Pu and Fast Reactor Fissioned 235U and 239Pu

F. L. Lisman, R. M. Abernathey, W. J. Maeck, J. E. Rein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 191-214

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Determination of Nuclear Fuel Burnup from Fission Product Analysis

F. L. Lisman, W. J. Maeck, J. E. Rein

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 215-219

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The Interaction of Neutronics and Acoustics in a Gaseous Core Nuclear Rocket

Harry McNeill, Martin Becker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 220-229

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An Accurate Determination of the Value of the Hopf q-Function at Infinity

Wendell C. DeMarcus, Robert A. Stokes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 230-231

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A Numerical Calculation of the Milne Problem Extrapolation Length

E. Richard Cohen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 231-232

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Evaluation of the Mott Scattering Cross Section and the Goudsmit-Saunderson Multiple Scattering Distribution for Electron Transport Calculations

R. M. Felder

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 232-233

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Calculation of Heterogeneous Fluxes and Reactivity Worths

W. M. Stacey, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 233-236

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Time-Step Length Errors in Digital Simulation of Spatial Xenon Oscillations

Claude G. Poncelet, Alan M. Christie

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 236-239

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Xenon Oscillation Experiments in a Production Reactor

S. V. Topp, R. F. Byars, R. P. Germann

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 2 / November 1970 / Pages 239-254

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Number 3

An Extended Equivalence Relation

Charles N. Kelber

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 257-259

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On Some Exact and Approximate Solutions of the Neutron Slowing Down Equation in Resonant Absorbing Media

L. Finkelstein, M. Shatz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 260-266

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A Multiple Scattering and Collision Probability Method for Neutron Transport Problems

T. Lefvert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 267-271

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The Effect of Errors in the Delayed-Neutron Data on Fast Reactor Static and Dynamic Calculations

D. Saphier, S. Yiftah

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 272-277

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Space-Time Effects in Fast Reactor Dynamics

James F. Jackson, William E. Kastenberg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 278-294

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Phase Space Analysis of Reactor Kinetics

Simon A. Vreeke, Gary M. Sandquist

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 295-305

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A General Method of Importance Sampling the Angle of Scattering in Monte Carlo Calculations

Calvin E. Burgart, P. N. Stevens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 306-323

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Secondary Gamma-Ray Production and Transport in Liquid Nitrogen

G. M. Reynolds, S. M. Sperling, W. E. Selph

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 324-334

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Gamma-Ray Spectra Arising from Fast-Neutron Interactions in Elements Found in Soils, Concretes, and Structural Materials

R. E. Maerker, F. J. Muckenthaler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 335-351

Technical Paper /

Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections for the 16O(n,xγ) Reaction from 6.35- to 16.52-MeV Neutron Energy

V. J. Orphan, C. G. Hoot, Joseph John

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 352-366

Technical Paper /

The Absorbed Dose and Dose Equivalent from Neutrons in the Energy Range 60 to 3000 MeV and Protons in the Energy Range 400 to 3000 MeV

R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., T. W. Armstrong, W. A. Coleman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 367-381

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Analytical Determination of the Neutron Flux-to-Pressur Frequency Response: Application to the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment

J. C. Robinson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 382-396

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Experimental Neutron Flux-to-Pressure Frequency Response for the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment: Determination of Void Fraction in Fuel Salt

J. C. Robinson, D. N. Fry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 397-405

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Heat Transfer in Reactor Components Having Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity

E. M. Sparrow, R. N. Koopman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 406-414

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An Approach to the Stability Criterion for a Nuclear Reactor

Masahide Imasaki, Yoshitaka Sueoka

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 415-418

Technical Note /

A Comparison of P1 Vacuum Boundary Conditions

Song-Teh Huang, E. E. Lewis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 418-419

Technical Note /

Cross-Spectral-Density Sink Frequency Behavior for Coupled-Core Argonaut Reactors

Mohamed El-Sayed Nagy, Richard A. Danofsky

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 419-421

Technical Note /

The Energy Spectrum of Photoneutrons Produced by 140-MeV Electrons Incident on Tantalum

C. E. Burgart, E. A. Straker, T. A. Love, R. M. Freestone, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 421-423

Technical Note /

Effective Atomic Numbers for Coherent Scattering Process of Gamma Rays in Alloys

M. Sriramachandra Murty, A. Lakshmana Rao, J. Rama Rao, K. Parthasaradhi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 423-424

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Electronic Energy Loss by Fission Fragments

Joseph M. Calo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 424-426

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An Experimental Demonstration of Inert Gas Effects upon the Incipient Pool Boiling of Sodium

Ralph M. Singer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 42 / Number 3 / December 1970 / Pages 427-428

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