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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125

Volume 125

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

Error Estimations and Their Biases in Monte Carlo Eigenvalue Calculations

Taro Ueki, Takamasa Mori and Masayuki Nakagawa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 1-11

Technical Paper /

Post-Convergence Automatic Differentiation of Iterative Schemes

Yousry Y. Azmy

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 12-18

Technical Paper /

Perturbation of General Boundary Condition for an Eigenvalue Change in the Neutron Boltzmann Transport Equation

Toshihiro Yamamoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 19-23

Technical Paper /

The Suite of Analytical Benchmarks for Neutral Particle Transport in Infinite Isotropically Scattering Media

Drew E. Kornreich, B. D. Ganapol

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 24-50

Technical Paper /

Measurements of Delayed Neutron Decay Constants and Fission Yields from 235U, 237Np, 241Am, and 243Am

Habeeb H. Saleh, Theodore A. Parish, S. Raman, Nobuo Shinohara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 51-60

Technical Paper /

Study of Total Discrete Gamma Radiation from Aluminum Under 14.9-MeV Neutron Bombardment

Hongyu Zhou, Guangshun Huang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 61-74

Technical Paper /

The Role of Heater Thermal Response in Reactor Thermal Limits During Oscillatory Two-Phase Flows

A. E. Ruggles, A. D. Vasil’ev, N. W. Brown, M. W. Wendel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 75-83

Technical Paper /

An Estimation of the Energy Generation Potential of Proton-Driven Subcritical ThO2 Lattices

Meir Segev, A. Galperin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 84-92

Technical Paper /

Sensitivity Study of the Positive Scram Effect Relevant to the Chernobyl Accident Simulation

A. D’Angelo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 93-100

Technical Paper /

A New Variational Functional for Space-Time Neutronics

J. A. Favorite, W. M. Stacey, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 1 / January 1997 / Pages 101-106

Technical Note /

Number 2

Response Functions for Neutron Skyshine Analysis

Ah Auu Gui, J. Kenneth Shultis, Richard E. Faw

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 111-127

Technical Paper /

A New Weight-Dependent Direct Statistical Approach Model

K. W. Burn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 128-170

Technical Paper /

The Generalized PN Synthetic Acceleration Method for Linear Transport Problems with Highly Anisotropic Scattering

Kassem M. Khattab

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 171-177

Technical Paper /

Resonance Calculations Using the Multiband Method and Interface Currents

Masahiro Tatsumi, Tomoko Ito, Toshikazu Takeda, Masatoshi Yamasaki, Akio Yamamoto, Masaharu Takayasu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 178-187

Technical Paper /

A Geometry-Independent Fine-Mesh-Based Monte Carlo Importance Generator

Lianyan Liu, Robin P. Gardner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 188-195

Technical Paper /

Study of Gamma Radiation from the Interaction of 14.6-MeV Neutrons with 27Al

S. Hlavá, L. Dostál, I. Turzo, A. Pavlik, H. Vonach

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 196-204

Technical Paper /

Positron-Emitting Radionuclide Yield in Deuterium Beam-Injected 3He Plasma

M. Yamagiwa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 218-222

Technical Paper /

Experimental Study on Buoyancy-Driven Exchange Flows Through Breaches of a Tokamak Vacuum Vessel in a Fusion Reactor Under the Loss-of-Vacuum-Event Condition

Kazuyuki Takase, Kunugi Tomoaki, Masurou Ogawa, Yasushi Seki

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 223-231

Technical Paper /

Prediction of the Local Pressure Gradient During Partially Developed Subcooled Boiling in Research Reactors of High Power Density

Joel L. McDuffee, Arthur E. Ruggles

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 232-242

Technical Paper /

Validation of Neutron Fluence Calculation Methodology for VVER-440 Vessel

K. Ilieva, T. Apostolov, S. Belousov, Iv. Penev, I. Popova

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 2 / February 1997 / Pages 243-247

Technical Paper /

Number 3

Comparison of LAHET Code System Calculations with Experimental Results for Protons of Energies Less than 50 MeV Incident on Copper and Iron

S.L. Eaton, C.A. Beard, M. L. Adams

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 249-256

Technical Paper /

A Transport Synthetic Acceleration Method for Transport Iterations

Gilles L. Ramone, Marvin L. Adams, Paul F. Nowak

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 257-283

Technical Paper /

Error Analysis of the Nodal Expansion Method for Solving the Neutron Diffusion Equation

R. Christian Penland, Yousry Y. Azmy, Paul J. Turinsky

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 284-299

Technical Paper /

Parallel Processing of Two-Dimensional Sn Transport Calculations

Mikio Uematsu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 300-313

Technical Paper /

Generalized Rayleigh Quotients for Eigenvalue Estimates of Neutron Balance Equations

H.N. M. Gheorghiu, F. Rahnema

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 314-323

Technical Paper /

Hierarchical Control of Reactor Inlet Temperature in Pool-Type Plants —I: Physics of Control

Richard B. Vilim, Humberto E. Garcia

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 324-336

Technical Paper /

Hierarchical Control of Reactor Inlet Temperature in Pool-Type Plants —II: Implementation and Results

Humberto E. Garcia, Richard B. Vilim, Eric M. Dean

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 337-347

Technical Paper /

Numerical Simulation of Flow Behaviors in the Loop Seal Using First-Principle Equations

Yuh-Ming Ferng

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 348-361

Technical Paper /

Thermal Breeding of Tritium: A Comparative Study of the Li + C and 3He + C Systems

Sanjay Gupta, Feroz Ahmed, Suresh Garg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 362-370

Technical Paper /

Systematics of Isomeric Cross-Section Ratios for (n,2n), (n , p), (n, α) Reactions at 14.5 MeV

Xiaolong Huang, Dunjiu Cai

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 125 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 371-375

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