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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1

Volume 90

Number 1

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(Carolyn D. Heising, William S. Grenzebach, Edward C. Beahm, Steven R. Daish, William E. Shockley, Joram Hopenfeld, Paul G. Voillequé, Abdo A. Husseiny, Zeinab A. Sabri, S Keith Adams, Rodrigo J. Rodriguez, Bau-Shei Pei, Ge-Ping Yu, Guei-Ching Lin, Yin-Pang Ma, Imtiaz K. Madni, Erik G. Cazzoli, Mohsen Khatib-Rahbar, Richard D. Peters, Urban P. Jenquin, Langdon K. Holton, Jr., Sadao Hattori, Tadasu Takuma, Koshichi Nemoto, Masafumi Terada, Tamotsu Sano, Alois Höld)

A Computerized Diagnostic System for Nuclear Plant Control Rooms Based on Statistical Quality Control

Carolyn D. Heising, William S. Grenzebach

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 7-15

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

Iodine Partitioning in Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Accidents

Edward C. Beahm, Steven R. Daish, William E. Shockley, Joram Hopenfeld

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 16-22

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Measurements of Radioiodine Species in Samples of Pressurized Water Reactor Coolant

Paul G. Voillequé

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 23-33

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Automation of Nuclear Power Plants

Abdo A. Husseiny, Zeinab A. Sabri, S. Keith Adams, Rodrigo J. Rodriguez

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 34-48

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Assessment of the Safety Function for the Anticipated Transient without Trip Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry at Maanshan Nuclear Power Station

Bau-Shei Pei, Ge-Ping Yu, Guei-Ching Lin, Yin-Pang Ma

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 49-62

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Assessment of Uncertainties in Early Off-Site Consequences from Nuclear Reactor Accidents

Imtiaz K. Madni, Erik G. Cazzoli, Mohsen Khatib-Rahbar

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 63-77

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Measuring and Predicting Gamma Radiation from Radioactive Glass-Filled Canisters

Richard D. Peters, Urban P. Jenquin, Langdon K. Holton, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 78-86

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Studies on the Applicability of a Flow Coupler to a Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Plant

Sadao Hattori, Tadasu Takuma, Koshichi Nemoto, Masafumi Terada, Tamotsu Sano

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 87-97

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

UTSG-2—A Theoretical Model Describing the Transient Behavior of a Pressurized Water Reactor Natural-Circulation U-Tube Steam Generator

Alois Höld

Nuclear Technology / Volume 90 / Number 1 / April 1990 / Pages 98-118

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /