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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3

Volume 89

Number 3

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(P. Bacher, G. Beltranda, Rajiv Bhatnagar, Don W. Miller, Brian K. Hajek, John E. Stasenko, John F. Geldard, Adolph L. Beyerlein, Eric V. Brown, Leonard W. Gray, D. William Tedder, Jordi Roglans-Ribas, Bernard I. Spinrad, Keith B. Harvey, Carol A. B. Larocque, Takashi Honda, Katsumi Ohsumi, Motohiro Aizawa, Kiichiro Takagi, Osamu Amano, Kazuhiko Yamashita, Kunihiko Takeda, Yoshikazu Nishigaki, Hatsuki Onitsuka, Suresh V. Garimella, Richard N. Christensen, Har Swroop Sharma, Nandakumar B. Khedekar, Surendranath G. Marathe, Hem Chand Jain)

The Computer-Aided Design System Used for the Design of the Chooz B Nuclear Power Plant Control System

P. Bacher, G. Beltranda

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 275-280

Technical Paper / Fission Reactor /

An Integrated Operator Advisor System For Plant Monitoring, Procedure Management, and Diagnosis

Rajiv Bhatnagar, Don W. Miller, Brian K. Hajek, and, John E. Stasenko

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 281-317

Technical Paper / Nuclear Safety /

Rapid Simulation of Concentration Profiles in Pulsed Column Contactors Using the Purex Process

John F. Geldard, Adolph L. Beyerlein

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 318-327

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

An Incinerator Ash Dissolution Model for the System: Plutonium Oxide, Nitric and Hydrofluoric Acids

Eric V. Brown, Leonard W. Gray, D. William Tedder

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 328-340

Technical Paper / Chemical Processing /

The Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Technical and Economic Analysis—Part I: Once-Through Cycle

Jordi Roglans-Ribas, Bernard I. Spinrad

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 341-349

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

The Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Technical and Economic Analysis—Part II: Comparison of Cycles

Jordi Roglans-Ribas, Bernard I. Spinrad

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 350-357

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel /

Dissolution Model for a Glass Having an Adherent Insoluble Surface Layer

Keith B. Harvey, Carol A. B. Larocque

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 358-364

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

An Alkaline Prefilming Process for the Primary Piping in a New Japanese Boiling Water Reactor

Takashi Honda, Katsumi Ohsumi, Motohiro Aizawa, Kiichiro Takagi, Osamu Amano, Kazuhiko Yamashita

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 365-371

Technical Paper / Material /

Energy Consumption for Product Assay in a Chemical Enrichment Process

Kunihiko Takeda, Yoshikazu Nishigaki, Hatsuki Onitsuka

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 372-380

Technical Paper / Radioisotopes and Isotope Separation /

Isotopic Backmixing in a Large-Scale Enrichment Column in a Chemical Enrichment Method

Kunihiko Takeda, Yoshikazu Nishigaki, Hatsuki Onitsuka

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 381-387

Technical Paper / Radioisotopes and Isotope Separation /

Transient Condensation in the Presence of Noncondensables at a Vertical Wall

Suresh V. Garimella, Richard N. Christensen

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 388-398

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

Controlled Potential Coulometric Determination of Plutonium in Mixed (U, Pu) Carbide Fuels

Har Swroop Sharma, Nandakumar B. Khedekar, Surendranath G. Marathe, Hem Chand Jain

Nuclear Technology / Volume 89 / Number 3 / March 1990 / Pages 399-405

Technical Paper / Technique /