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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3

Volume 117

Number 3

Improvement and Assessment of the CATHARE 2 Three-Dimensional Module Compared with the UPTF Downcomer Test 7

Jae-Jun Jeong, Isabelle Dor, Dominique Bestion

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 267-280

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

Development of a Three-Dimensional Core Dynamics Analysis Program for Commercial Boiling Water Reactors

Yasunori Bessho, Yuichiro Yoshimoto, Osamu Yokomizo, Ryutaro Yamashita, Masumi Ishikawa, Akio Toba

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 281-292

Technical Paper / Nuclear Reactor Safety /

Transmutation of Technetium and Iodine—Irradiation Tests in the Frame of the EFTTRA Cooperation

Rudy J. M. Konings, Wout M. P. Franken, Rainer P. Conrad, Jean-Francois Gueugnon, Jean-Claude Spirlet

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 293-298

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel Cycle /

Studies on the Restructuring of Fast Breeder Test Reactor Fuel by Out-of-Pile Simulation

M. P. Antony, J. Daniel, C. K. Mathews

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 299-305

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel Cycle /

Local Analysis Technique for the Advanced Neutron Source Reactor Fuel Defect Studies

Gary E. Giles, Jr.

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 306-315

Technical Paper / Nuclear Fuel Cycle /

Transport of Weapons-Grade Plutonium and Boron Through Fractured Geologic Media

Joonhong Ahn

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 316-328

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Development of an Integrated Transuranic Waste Management System for a Large Research Facility: NUCEF

Hideaki Mineo, Tatsuro Matsumura, Isao Takeshita, Ichio Nishizawa, Susumu Sugikawa, Takeshi Tsujino

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 329-339

Technical Paper / Radioactive Waste Management /

Estimation of Anisotropic Factor and Turbulent Mixing Rate in Rod Bundles Based on the Flow Pulsation Phenomenon

Sin Kim, Goon-Cherl Park

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 340-352

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /

Moisture Fraction Measurements for Two-Phase Mist Flow Using High-Sensitivity Capacitance Sensors

Michael F. Dowling, Jason D. Wartell, Sheldon M. Jeter, Said I. Abdel-Khalik

Nuclear Technology / Volume 117 / Number 3 / March 1997 / Pages 353-365

Technical Paper / Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow /