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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3

Volume 9

Number 3

Reactivity Worth of the Central Fuel Element in the Bulk Shielding Reactor-I

G. Desaussure, K. Henry, R. Perez-Belles

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 291-298

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Niobium-20 w/o Uranium, High-Temperature Metallic Fuel of the Future

John A. De Mastry, Frederic R. Shober, Ronald F. Dickerson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 299-304

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Time-Dependent Thermal-Neutron Energy Spectra in a Monatomic Heavy Gas

S. N. Purohit

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 305-313

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On the Design and Management of Fast Reactor Blankets

S. A. Hasnain, D. Okrent

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 314-322

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Formal Heat Transfer Solutions

C. F. Bonilla, J. S. Busch, H. G. Landau, L. L. Lynn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 323-331

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Effect of Specific Power on Fuel Reactivity and Costs in Thorium-Fueled Reactors

E. A. Mason, J. A. Larrimore

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 332-340

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The Resonance Fission Integrals of U235, Pu239, and Pu241

J. Hardy, Jr., D. Klein, G. G. Smith

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 341-345

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Circulating Fused-Salt Fuel Irradiation Test Loop

D. B. Trauger, J. A. Conlin, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 346-356

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The Property of Finality and the Analysis of Problems in Reactor Space-Time Kinetics by Various Modal Expansions

S. Kaplan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 357-361

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The Solution of the Reactor Kinetics Equations for Large and Small Excursions

J. C. Carter, Nye F. Morehouse, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 362-366

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The Effect of Diffusion upon the Initial Phases of the Thermalization of Neutrons

Noel Corngold, Larry Zamick

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 367-369

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New Analytical Formula for Dancoff Correction for Cylindrical Fuel Lattices

Yuzo Fukai

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 370-376

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Minimum Critical Dimensions for Water Solutions

C. B. Mills

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 377-390

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A Comparison of Niobium-Vanadium and Niobium-Zirconium Alloys for Structural Applications in Boiling Water Reactors

D. L. Douglass

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 391-398

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The Reduction of the Time-Dependent Equations for Nuclear Reactors to a Set of Ordinary Differential Equations

Capt. J. Lewins

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 9 / Number 3 / March 1961 / Pages 399-407

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