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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96

Volume 96

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4

Number 1

Photon Transport Studies in Media with Strongly Anisotropic Scattering with the Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck Equation

Anil Kumar, Jacques Ligou

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 1-7

Technical Paper /

Fission Product Yields for Fast-Neutron Fission of 243,244,246,248Cm

J. K. Dickens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 8-16

Technical Paper /

Gadolinium Burnable Absorber Optimization by the Method of Conjugate Gradients

Clifton R. Drumm, John C. Lee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 17-29

Technical Paper /

Optimum Arrangement for the Neutron Dose Rate of an Iron-Polyethylene Shielding System

Kohtaro Ueki, Yoshihito Namito

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 30-38

Technical Paper /

Cross Sections for Two-Body Sequential Decay Reactions

M. D. Baker, H. D. Knox, E. Breitenberger

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 39-45

Technical Note /

Stability of Muon Catalyzed Fusion Systems

D. R. Wyman, R. E. Stone, A. A. Harms

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 46-51

Technical Note /

7Li(n,n’t)4He Reaction Cross Section via Tritium Counting

S. M. Qaim, R. Wölfle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 52-57

Technical Note /

R-Matrix Analysis of the 241 Pu Cross Sections up to 100 eV

H. Derrien, N. M. Larson, G. de Saussure, R. B. Perez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 58-65

Technical Note /

Investigations of Electromagnetic Cascades Produced in Lead by 2.5-GeV Bremsstrahlung

Hideo Hirayama, Syuichi Ban, Shigeyuki Miura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 66-72

Technical Note /

Improvement of Passive Safety of Reactors

Yoshiro Asahi, Tadashi Watanabe,Hiroaki Wakabayashi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 1 / May 1987 / Pages 73-84

Technical Note /

Number 2

Optimization of Core Reload Design for Low-Leakage Fuel Management in Pressurized Water Reactors

Young Jin Kim,* Thomas J. Downar, Alexander Sesonske

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 85-101

Technical Paper /

Fission Rates and High-Energy Neutron Fluxes in the Purdue Fast Breeder Blanket Facility

Helio C. Vital,* F. M. Clikeman, K. O. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 102-111

Technical Paper /

Resonance Self-Shielding near Zone Interfaces

S. C. Mo, K. O. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 112-121

Technical Paper /

Nuclear Data for 235U, 238U, and 239Pu in the Unresolved Resonance Region

A. A. Vankov and V. F. Ukraintsev, N. Yaneva, S. Toshkov, A. Mateeva

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 122-136

Technical Paper /

Thermocapillary-Induced Breakup of Molten Cladding Films

P. R. Henkel

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 137-144

Technical Paper /

Estimation of Failed Sensor Outputs

J. Louis Tylee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 145-152

Technical Paper /

Some Aspects of the Forward Method for High-Order Sensitivity Analysis

Yigal Ronen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 153-158

Technical Paper /

Measurement and Status of Neutron Scattering on 1Li and 7Li Between 6 and 14 MeV

D. Schmidt, D. Seeliger, G. N. Lovchikova, A. M. Trufanov

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 159-167

Technical Note /

Time Behavior of the Neutron Flux at the Vessel Boundary of a Boiling Water Reactor Power Plant

A. Cesana, M. Terrani, G. Sandrelli

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 168-170

Technical Note /

GERES: A Code to Process MC2-II Data for Heterogeneous Fast Reactor Cell Calculation

M. Galli

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 2 / June 1987 / Pages 171-172

Computer Code Abstract /

Number 3

A Critique of Three Methodologies for Estimating the Probability of Containment Failure Due to Steam Explosions

Marshall Berman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 173-191

Technical Paper /

A Rigorous Pole Representation of Multilevel Cross Sections and Its Practical Applications

R. N. Hwang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 192-209

Technical Paper /

Calculation of Capture Cross Sections and Gamma-Ray Spectra Following the Interaction of Neutrons with 181Ta and 197Au

Nobuhiro Yamamuro, Kazuyuki Udagawa, Toshihiro Natsume

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 210-220

Technical Paper /

On the Generalized Neutron Noise Formulation with Application to a Coupled Core Reactor

Shyn-Jen Lee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 221-233

Technical Paper /

Neutron Transport Theory in a Ring Reactor

M. M. R. Williams

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 234-240

Technical Note /

A Comparison of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for Low-Z Material and for Low Energies Using Discrete Ordinates and Point Monte Carlo Methods

Yoshiko Harima, Hideo Hirayama, Toshio Ishikawa, Yukio Sakamoto, Shun-ich Tanaka

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 241-252

Technical Note /

Effect of a Mixing Vane in a Three-Subchannel Simulated Fuel Rod Bundle Using a Gamma Camera

Alireza Sedaghat, Robert Macduff, Frank Castellana

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 3 / July 1987 / Pages 253-259

Technical Note /

Number 4

LEPRICON Analysis of Pressure Vessel Surveillance Dosimetry Inserted into H. B. Robinson-2 During Cycle 9

R. E. Maerker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 263-289

Technical Paper /

DOXCY—A Discrete Ordinates Approximation of Neutron Transport in Heterogeneous Rod Lattices

H. Dietmar Märtens, D. Stegemann

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 290-302

Technical Paper /

Prompt Response Self-Powered Neutron Detectors I: The Effective Charge per Neutron Captured

Maria Do Carmo Lopes, Jorge Molina Avila

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 303-309

Technical Paper /

Prompt Response Self-Powered Neutron Detectors II: Thermal and Epithermal Sensitivities

Jorge Molina Avila, Maria Do Carmo Lopes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 310-317

Technical Paper /

Parameters of the 1.056-eV Resonance in 240Pu and the 2200 m/s Neutron Total Cross Sections of 235U, 239Pu, and 240Pu

R. Spencer, J. A. Harvey, N. W. Hill, L. W. Weston

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 318-329

Technical Paper /

Effect of Fluorescence in Deep Penetration of Gamma Rays

K. V. Subbaiah, A. Natarajan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 96 / Number 4 / August 1987 / Pages 330-342

Technical Paper /