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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66

Volume 66

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

The Matching of Dense Plasma Focus Devices with Fission Reactors

A. A. Harms, M. Heindler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 1-8

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Optimum Supervision Intervals and Order of Supervision in Nuclear Reactor Protective Systems

J. M. Kontoleon

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 9-13

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Probabilistic Accident Analysis with Deterministic Codes Using Stochastically Variable Parameters

P. B. Abramson, H. H. Hummel, E. M. Gelbard, P. A. Pizzica, J. J. Sienicki

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 14-23

Technical Paper /

Angular Distribution of Fission Fragments from Fast Fission of Uranium-235

S. T. Hsue, G. F. Knoll, J. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 24-28

Technical Paper /

Determination of Reactivity from Power Spectral Density Measurements with Californium-252

J. T. Mihalczo, V. K. Paré, G. L. Ragan, M. V. Mathis, G. C. Tillett

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 29-59

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A Monte Carlo Perturbation Source Method for Reactivity Calculations

T. J. Hoffman, L. M. Petrie, N. F. Landers

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 60-66

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Calculation of the Reactivity due to Bubble Collapse with the Probability Table Method

T. J. Hoffman, L. M. Petrie

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 67-74

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Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections of Neutron-Induced Reactions in Oxygen

C. Nordborg, L. Nilsson, H. Condé, L. G. Strömberg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 75-83

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Finite Element Analysis for Turbulent Flows of Incompressible Fluids in Fuel Rod Bundles

W. Slagter

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 84-92

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Characteristics, Stability, and Short-Wavelength Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow Equation Systems

John D. Ramshaw, John A. Trapp

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 93-102

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Experimental Investigation of Gas Evolution as the Mechanism for Free-Contact Fragmentation

G. Shiralker, W. Rohsenow, A. Sonin, N. Todreas

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 103-109

Technical Paper /

The Oxidation and Degradation of Short-Chain Aliphatic Compounds by Hyperazeotropic Nitric Acid

Walter E. Clark, W. B. Howerton, B. M. Benjamin, W. H. Baldwin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 110-117

Technical Paper /

A Semi-Analytic Solution to the Transport Equation in Spherical Geometry

A. Dubi, Y. S. Horowitz

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 118-121

Technical Note /

General Formulation of Track-Length-Type Estimators

I. Lux

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 121-124

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Applications of the Upper Bound Estimation Method in Reactor Theory

Yigal Ronen, Dror Regev

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 124-127

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Thermal Westcott g-Factor Measurement for Thorium-232

L. Green

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 127-134

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A Multigroup Formalism for Evaluation of Continuous Slowing Down Theory Parameters

Ansar Parvez, Martin Becker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 134-140

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Modeling the Effect of Fission Product Capture on Reactor Decay Power

B. I. Spinrad, A. Tripathi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 140-141

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Note on 238U + n Resolved Resonance Energies

D. K. Olsen, G. de Saussure, R. B. Perez, F. C. Difilippo, and R. W. Ingle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 141-144

Technical Note /

Critical Impurity Concentrations for Ignition of Catalyzed-Deuterium Fusion Plasmas

R. V. Jensen, D. L. Jassby, D. E. Post

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 1 / April 1978 / Pages 144-146

Technical Note /

Number 2

An Experimental Study of the Molten Glass/Water Thermal Interaction Under Free and Forced Conditions

V. H. Arakeri, I. Catton, and W. E. Kastenberg

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 153-166

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Fissile Fuel Doubling Time Characteristics for Reactor Lifetime Fuel Logistics

M. Heindler and A. A. Harms

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 167-187

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Cross Sections for the 11B(α, p)14C Reaction in the Alpha-Particle Energy Range from 4.4 to 6.7 MeV

Wen-Sou Hou, Chia-Shou Lin, Ming Wen, Hsiao-Hua Hsu, and Jen-Chang Chou

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 188-192

Technical Paper /

Spectral Fine-Structure Effects in the Reactivity-Reaction-Rate Method for Determining Capture-to-Fission Ratios

E. Greenspan, Y. Karni

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 193-204

Technical Paper /

Measurement of the Fission Cross Sections of Uranium-233 and Plutonium-239 Relative to Uranium-235 from 1 keV to 30 MeV

G. W. Carlson and J. W. Behrens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 205-216

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Neutron Capture Probabilities for Thick Samples at Resonance Energies

Makio Ohkubo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 217-228

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The Importance Factor of a Source in Reactor Kinetics

J. Ligou

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 229-234

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Polynomial Approach to Reactor Kinetics Equations

Kueng Yeh

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 235-242

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Cross-Section Sensitivity Analysis of 235U and 238U Fission Rates Measured in a Graphite-Reflected Lithium Assembly

Yasushi Seki and Hiroshi Maekawa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 243-251

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Extension of the Width Fluctuation Correction to Reactions Involving Continuum Level Excitations

G. Reffo and F. Fabbri

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 251-254

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On Approximations to the Neutron Escape Probability from an Absorbing Body

Yung-An Chao, Aquilino Senra Martinez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 254-258

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Remark on the Efficiency of Track-Length Estimators in Reaction Rate Estimations

I. Lux

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 258-264

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Determination of Void Fraction Profile in a Boiling Water Reactor Channel Using Neutron Noise Analysis

M. Ashraf Atta, D. N. Fry, J. E. Mott, and W. T. King

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 2 / May 1978 / Pages 264-268

Technical Note /

Number 3

Higher Order Prompt-Jump Approximation in Reactor Kinetics

Tomasz Błeński, Adam Gadomski, Janusz Mika

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 277-283

Technical Paper /

Analysis of the Eigenvalue Equations in k, λ, γ, and α Applied to Some Fast- and Thermal-Neutron Systems

Guillermo Velarde, Carolina Ahnert, José M. Aragonés

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 284-294

Technical Paper /

Polynomial Solutions to the Tensorial Differential Equations for Monoenergetic Neutrons in Slab and Sphere Geometries

P. Landini, G. Spiga, F. Premuda

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 295-306

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Application of Sensitivity and Uncertainty Methodology to Fast Reactor Integral Experiment Analysis

C. R. Weisbin, E. M. Oblow, J. H. Marable, R. W. Peelle, J. L. Lucius

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 307-333

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Calculation of Nuclear Level Densities for 56Fe, 59Co, 60Ni, 61Cu, 62Ni, 63Cu, and 65Cu

G. P. Ford

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 334-348

Technical Paper /

Precise Measurement of the Capture Width of the 6.67-eV Neutron Resonance of Uranium-238

P. Staveloz, F. Poortmans, L. Mewissen, E. Cornelis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 349-353

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Measurement and Calculation of Californium-252 Fission Neutron-Induced Gamma Fields in Iron

S. H. Jiang, H. Werle

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 354-362

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Neutron Capture Cross-Section Ratios of 240Pu, 242Pu, 238U, and 197Au in the Energy Range from 10 to 90 keV

K. Wisshak, F. Käppeler

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 363-377

Technical Paper /

Characteristics and Stability Analyses of Transient One-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow Equations and Their Finite Difference Approximations

Robert W. Lyczkowski, Dimitri Gidaspow, Charles W. Solbrig, E. D. Hughes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 378-396

Technical Paper /

Effects of Internal Circulation Velocity and Noncondensable Gas on Vapor Condensation from a Rising Bubble

M. N. Özişik, T. S. Kress

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 397-405

Technical Paper /

Self-Diffusion Processes in Nuclear Carbonitrides UCxN1 − x and (U, Pu)C0.8N0.2

H. Matsui, M. H. Bradbury, Hj. Matzke

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 406-414

Technical Paper /

Fast Power Excursions in Pebble-Bed Reactors—Methods and Results

K. Friedrich, E. Inführ, U. Weicht

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 415-421

Technical Note /

A General Correlation for Independent Fission Product Yield Uncertainties

B. I. Spinrad, C. H. Wu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 421-424

Technical Note /

Evaluation of the Neutron Flux-Depression Factor via the Integral Transform Method

V. C. Boffi, V. G. Molinari, G. Spiga

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 424-428

Technical Note /

Transport of Neutron and Secondary Gamma Radiations Through a Liquid Air Sphere Surrounding a 14-MeV Neutron Source

G. S. Sidhu, W. E. Farley, L. F. Hansen, T. Komoto, B. Pohl, C. Wong

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 428-433

Technical Note /

Measurements of the Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Sections of 240Pu, 242Pu, and 244Pu Relative to 235U from 0.1 to 30 MeV

J. W. Behrens, R. S. Newbury, J. W. Magana

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 433-441

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6Li + 6Li ⇒ 34He Cross Sections and Thermonuclear Fusion Parameters

E. Norbeck

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 66 / Number 3 / June 1978 / Pages 441-444

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