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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3

Volume 58

Number 3

Estimation and Optimal Feedback Control Theory Applied to a Nuclear Boiling Water Reactor

B. Frogner, L. M. Grossman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 265-277

Technical Paper /

Evaluation of Neutron Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections of Uranium-233 from Neutron Spectrum Measurements in Fast Media

R. Paviotti Corcuera

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 278-290

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Neutron-Absorption Cross Sections of Some Radioactive Nuclides

Myron F. Elgart, Harmon L. Finston, Robert Rundberg, Evan T. Williams, Albert H. Bond, Jr., Emmanuel Yellin

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 291-297

Technical Paper /

Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections for Carbon and Nitrogen from Threshold to 20.7 MeV

V. C. Rogers, V. J. Orphan, C. G. Hoot, V. V. Verbinski

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 298-313

Technical Paper /

Cross-Section Measurement of (n, p) Reactions for 27Al, 46,47,48Ti, 54,56Fe, 58Ni, 59Co, and 64Zn from Near Threshold to 10 MeV

Donald L. Smith, James W. Meadows

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 314-320

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Stability of Moments in a Simple Neutronic System with Stochastic Parameters

Karmeshu, N. K. Bansal

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 321-327

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Macroscopic Representation of the Anisotropic Neutron Flux Spectrum and a New Greuling-Goertzel Approximation

Yasunori Yamamura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 328-331

Technical Note /

Neutron-Induced Gamma-Ray Production in Zinc for Incident-Neutron Energies of 4.9, 5.4, and 5.9 MeV

J. K. Dickens

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 58 / Number 3 / November 1975 / Pages 331-338

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