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Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43

Volume 43

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

On the Use of Acoustic Waves in Nuclear Power Reactors to Determine Average Void Fractions

J. A. Bonnet, Jr., R. K. Osborn

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 1-4

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Analysis of Heterogeneity and Sodium-Void Effects in a 2700-Liter Uranium Carbide Fast Core, ZPR-6 Assembly 5

R. A. Karam, J. E. Marshall, K. D. Dance

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 5-26

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The Transmission of Xenon-133 Through Activated Charcoal Adsorber Beds

K. B. Lee, Richard Madey

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 27-31

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Gamma-Ray Attenuation at Energies of Approximately 6 and 8 MeV

W. Reed Johnson, Daniel H. Risher, James E. Rogers, William L. Thompson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 32-41

Technical Paper /

Measurements of Time-Dependent Energy Spectra of Beta Rays from Uranium-235 Fission Fragments

N. Tsoulfanidis, B. W. Wehring, M. E. Wyman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 42-53

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The Average Number of Neutrons Emitted in the Spontaneous Fission of Some Even-Even Heavy Nuclides

C. J. Orth

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 54-57

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Total Neutron Cross Section and Resonance Parameters of Promethium-147

J. W. Codding, Jr., R. L. Tromp, F. B. Simpson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 58-65

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Phase-Space Reduction in Neutron Diffusion Calculations

A. A. Harms, A. L. Babb

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 66-73

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Multiple Weighting Functions in Fast Reactor Space-Energy Synthesis

R. J. Neuhold

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 74-86

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Pressure Distribution for Axisymmetric Two-Dimensional Flow in a Plenum During Coolant Expulsion

T. C. Chawla, B. M. Hoglund

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 87-90

Technical Note /

Critical Heat Flux and Pressure Drop Tests with Parallel Upflow of High Pressure Water in Bundles of Twenty 1/2-in. Rods

B. W. LeTourneau, S. J. Green

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 90-104

Technical Note /

Monte Carlo Calculation of the Thermal Neutron Activation in Light-Water-Moderated Uranium Cells Using ENDF/B Cross-Section Data

John J. Volpe, William Baer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 105-106

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A Fast Method of Computing the Contribution from Interference Scattering of Neutrons to the Integral J(θ, α, β)

Frej Wasastjerna

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 106-108

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Reduction of the Ray Effect in Discrete Ordinates Calculations

Robert E. Sullivan, Lynn U. Albers, Dahsoong Yu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 108-114

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Determining Collision Variances from Adjoints

Harvey Amster

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 114-116

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Coarse Mesh Acceleration of Iterative Solution of Neutron Diffusion Equation

Shoichiro Nakamura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 116-120

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Thermal Neutron Diffusion at the Ice-Water Phase Transition

P. M. Williams, F. J. Munno

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 120-122

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Consistent Criticality Estimates in Pulsed Neutron Experiments

A. A. Harms

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 1 / January 1971 / Pages 122-124

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Number 2

Variational Derivation of Discrete Ordinate-Like Approximations

M. Natelson

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 131-144

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Energy-Dependent Neutron Transport Theory in Adjacent Half-Spaces

Pekka Jauho, Markku Rajamäki

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 145-153

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Relationships Between Various Definitions of Prompt-Neutron Lifetime

Paul Nelson, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 154-158

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Successive Space-Energy Synthesis for Neutron Fluxes in Fast Reactors

J. E. Cockayne, K. O. Ott

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 159-172

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Effect of Collapsing Cross-Section Data on Fast Breeder Physics Parameters

Raymond E. Alcouffe, Thomas J. Hirons, R. Douglas O'Dell

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 173-185

Technical Paper /

Radiation Transport in One-Dimensional Finite Systems—Part I: Development in the Anisotropic Source—Flux Iteration Technique

D. V. Gopinath, K. Santhanam

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 186-196

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Radiation Transport in One-Dimensional Finite Systems—Part II: Gamma-Ray Transport Studies with ASFIT

D. V. Gopinath, K. Santhanam

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 197-211

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Initial Size Distributions of Aerosols

George C. Lindauer, A. W. Castleman, Jr.

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 212-217

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Stable Numerical Integration of Conservation Equations for Hydraulic Networks

T. A. Porsching, J. H. Murphy, J. A. Redfield

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 218-225

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Application of the Adler-Adler Multilevel Formalism to Calculation of Uranium-235 Resonance Integrals

B. Frogner, S. Børresen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 226-227

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Positive Reactivity from Replacement of Heavy Water by Light Water in the Coolant Channels of a Heavy-Water-Moderated Reactor

James H. Talboy, Edward J. Donahue, Albert W. Pierce, John J. Vronich

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 227-229

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Evaluation of Published Delayed-Neutron Parameters for Uranium-235 and Uranium-235 Heavy Water Systems

J. P. Church

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 229-233

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Titanium (n, p) Cross-Section Measurements

Yovan Lukic, Edward E. Carroll

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 233-235

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Multigroup Elastic Scattering Cross Sections for Heavy Elements

Herbert Henryson II

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 235-237

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Two-Dimensional Conduction Heat Transfer in Liquid-Metal Bonded Fast Reactor Fuel Elements with Pellet and Canning Eccentricity

L. Wolf, K. Johannsen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 237-239

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Expected Number of Subassembly Failures Due to Hot Spot Occurrences

A. Amendola

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 2 / February 1971 / Pages 239-240

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Number 3

Heat Transfer to a Bingham Plastic in the Entrance Region of a Circular Tube

A. B. Samant, W. J. Marner

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 241-246

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Dispersion of Radioactivity in a Closed Coolant System

S. A. Kushneriuk

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 247-256

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The Absorbed Dose and Dose Equivalent from Negatively and Positively Charged Pions in the Energy Range 10 to 2000 MeV

R. G. Alsmiller, Jr., T. W. Armstrong, Barbara L. Bishop

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 257-266

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Absolute Gamma-Ray Intensity Measurements of a SNAP-15A Heat Source

Melvin Reier

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 267-272

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Differential Measurements of Fast-Neutron Air-Ground Interface Effects

R. L. French, L. G. Mooney

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 273-280

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High Resolution Fission Cross Section of Uranium-235 from 20 eV to 100 keV

J. R. Lemley, G. A. Keyworth, B. C. Diven

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 281-285

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Analysis of Exponential Experiments with Lattices of Plutonium in Heavy Water

Odelli Ozer

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 286-302

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Neutron-Pulse Propagation in Multiplying Assemblies

M. W. Golay, K. B. Cady

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 303-314

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A New Variational Method for the Pulsed-Neutron Problem

Feroz Ahmed, L. S. Kothari

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 315-318

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A Temperature Formulation of the Space-Averaged Reactor Kinetics Equations

H. A. Kurstedt, Jr., G. H. Miley

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 319-327

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Energy Modal Synthesis Method in Fast Reactor Analysis

Takashi Kiguchi, Shigehiro An, Akira Oyama

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 328-340

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The Low-Energy Total Neutron Cross Section of Plutonium-242

T. E. Young, F.B. Simpson, R. E. Tate

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 341-342

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Optimum Refueling Order for Minimum Local Power Peaking Factor

Toshio Kawai, Takashi Kiguchi

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 342-345

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A Reformulation of the Reactor Kinetics Equations

Ronald J. Onega

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 345-348

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Note on Particular Solutions of the Transport Equation

K. D. Leuthäuser

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 348-349

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A Comparison of Federighi's with Marshak's Boundary Conditions

José Canosa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 349-350

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Escape Probability for Cylinders

Raymond L. Murray

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 43 / Number 3 / March 1971 / Pages 350-352

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