American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11

Volume 196

Number 11

Implementation of Resonance Upscattering Treatment in FRENDY Nuclear Data Processing System

Akio Yamamoto, Tomohiro Endo, Go Chiba, Kenichi Tada

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1267-1279

Technical Paper /

Analysis of Population Control Techniques for Time-Dependent and Eigenvalue Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Calculations

Ilham Variansyah, Ryan G. McClarren

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1280-1305

Technical Paper /

Adjoint Flux and Perturbation Theory of γ-Mode Eigenvalue Problem Appearing in Exponential Experiments

Yasushi Nauchi, Tetsuo Matsumura

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1306-1322

Technical Paper /

Investigation of the AGN-201M Research Reactor’s Unique Dominance Ratio

Mekiel Olguin, Christopher Perfetti, Forrest Brown

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1323-1332

Technical Paper /

Evaluations of the Effect of Heterogeneity in HALEU Systems Using Modified Critical Benchmarks

Joseph A. Christensen, R. A. Borrelli

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1333-1348

Technical Paper /

Stress Profile in Coating Layers of TRISO Fuel Particles in Contact with One Another

Daniel Schappel, Kurt A. Terrani

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1349-1360

Technical Paper /

TRISO SiC Failure Probability for Reactivity Initiated Accidents in High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors

Carlotta G. Ghezzi, Robert F. Kile, Nicholas R. Brown

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1361-1382

Technical Paper /

Silicon Solar Cells for Post-Detonation Monitoring and Gamma-Radiation Effects

Praneeth Kandlakunta, Matthew Van Zile, Lei Raymond Cao

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 196 / Number 11 / November 2022 / Pages 1383-1396

Technical Paper /