American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5

Volume 193

Number 5

Generation of Exact Discontinuity Factors for NEM Calculations with Two-by-Two Division per Fuel Assembly

HyeonTae Kim, Woosong Kim, Yonghee Kim

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 441-452

Technical Paper /

Nonlinear Diffusion Acceleration of the Least-Squares Transport Equation in Geometries with Voids

Hans R. Hammer, Jim E. Morel, Yaqi Wang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 453-480

Technical Paper /

Development of Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Method-Based Supercritical Transient Code with Time-Dependent Feedback Capability

Delgersaikhan Tuya, Toru Obara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 481-494

Technical Paper /

Reactor Kinetics Using Partial Equations

E. F. Seleznev, V. Bereznev, I. Chernova

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 495-505

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Constraint Annealing Method for Solution of Multiconstrained Nuclear Fuel Cycle Optimization Problems

David J. Kropaczek, Ryan Walden

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 506-522

Technical Paper /

Large-Scale Application of the Constraint Annealing Method for Pressurized Water Reactor Core Design Optimization

David J. Kropaczek, Ryan Walden

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 523-536

Technical Paper /

Results of Three Neutron Diagnosed Subcritical Experiments

J. A. Gomez, P. E. Koehler, T. E. Cutler, A. DeYoung, J. T. Goorley, J. D. Hutchinson, G. McKenzie, G. L. Morgan, S. M. Mosby, W. L. Myers, R. S. Rundberg, V. W. Yuan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 537-548

Technical Paper /

Radioactive Decay Computation with Dynamic Source Terms

DeeEarl Vaden, Tae-Sic Yoo

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 193 / Number 5 / May 2019 / Pages 549-553

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