American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1

Volume 189

Number 1

Energy Dependent Transport Model of the Neutron Number Probability Distribution in a Subcritical Multiplying Assembly

J. E. M. Saxby, Anil K. Prinja, M. D. Eaton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 1-25

Technical Paper /

Acceleration and Real Variance Reduction in Continuous-Energy Monte Carlo Whole-Core Calculation via p-CMFD Feedback

YuGwon Jo, Nam Zin Cho

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 26-40

Technical Paper /

Diffusion-Based Finite Element Method to Estimate the Reactivity Changes due to Core Deformation in an SFR

Woong Heo, Yonghee Kim

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 41-55

Technical Paper /

Development, Automation, and Validation of a Numerical Methodology to Assess the TOP Onset for the RIA CABRI Experiments

L. Pantera, P. Querre

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 56-68

Technical Paper /

Thermomechanical Assessment of Fuel Rod Cladding Made of Zirconium Alloy and Silicon Carbide Material During Reactivity-Initiated Accident

David Halabuk, Tomas Navrat

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 69-81

Technical Paper /

Predicting Large Deflections of Multiplate Fuel Elements Using a Monolithic FSI Approach

Franklin G. Curtis, James D. Freels, Kivanc Ekici

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 82-92

Technical Paper /

Lead Void Reactivity Worth in Two Critical Assembly Cores with Differing Uranium Enrichments

M. Fukushima, J. Goda, J. Bounds, T. Cutler, T. Grove, J. Hutchinson, M. James, G. McKenzie, R. Sanchez, A. Oizumi, H. Iwamoto, K. Tsujimoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 189 / Number 1 / January 2018 / Pages 93-99

Technical Note /