American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177

Volume 177

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

A Multilevel Projective Method for Solving the Space-Time Multigroup Neutron Kinetics Equations Coupled with the Heat Transfer Equation

Apil Tamang, Dmitriy Y. Anistratov

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 1-18

Technical Paper /

On PN Interface and Boundary Conditions

Richard Sanchez

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 19-34

Technical Paper /

The Analytical Discrete Ordinates Method for a One-Dimensional Model of Neutral Particle Transport in Ducts

R. D. M. Garcia

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 35-51

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Iterative Determination of Distributions by the Monte Carlo Method in Problems with an External Source

Mihály Makai, Zoltán Szatmáry

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 52-67

Technical Paper /

Kinematics of the 6Li(n,t)4He Reaction and Experimental Scenarios for Cross-Section Measurement

R. Bencardino, R. Bevilacqua, G. Giorginis, F.-J. Hambsch

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 68-76

Technical Paper /

Target Motion Sampling Temperature Treatment Technique with Elevated Basis Cross-Section Temperatures

Tuomas Viitanen, Jaakko Leppänen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 77-89

Technical Paper /

Neutron Cross-Section Covariances in the Resolved Resonance Region for 55Mn

Young-Sik Cho, Young-Ouk Lee

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 90-96

Technical Paper /

Possible Design of Long-Life Small Prismatic HTGR for Passive Decay Heat Removal

Odmaa Sambuu, Toru Obara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 1 / May 2014 / Pages 97-110

Technical Note /

Number 2

Massively Parallel, Three-Dimensional Transport Solutions for the k-Eigenvalue Problem

Gregory G. Davidson, Thomas M. Evans, Joshua J. Jarrell, Steven P. Hamilton, Tara M. Pandya, Rachel N. Slaybaugh

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 111-125

Technical Paper /

Transport Theory–Based Analog Monte Carlo for Simulating Noise Experiments in Subcritical Systems

K. P. Singh, S. B. Degweker

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 126-140

Technical Paper /

Examination of Separate-Effect and Integral Phenomena Within a Grid Spacer With Mixing Vanes: Results for the MATiS-H OECD/NEA Benchmark Exercise

A. Rashkovan, D. McClure, D. R. Novog

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 141-155

Technical Paper /

Mockup Experiments on the Thorium-Loaded Accelerator-Driven System at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly

Cheol Ho Pyeon, Takahiro Yagi, Kiichi Sukawa, Yoshimasa Yamaguchi, Tsuyoshi Misawa

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 156-168

Technical Paper /

Initiation of Persistent Fission Chains in the Fast Burst Reactor Caliban

Nicolas Authier, Benoît Richard, Philippe Humbert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 169-183

Technical Paper /

Monte Carlo Fuel Temperature Coefficient Estimation by an Adjoint-Weighted Correlated Sampling Method

Hyung Jin Shim, Chang Hyo Kim

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 184-192

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Internal Neutronics-Temperature Coupling in Serpent 2

Ville Valtavirta, Tuomas Viitanen, Jaakko Leppänen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 193-202

Technical Paper /

Calculation of the Neutron Noise Induced by Periodic Deformations of a Large Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core

F. Zylbersztejn, H. N. Tran, I. Pázsit, P. Filliatre, C. Jammes

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 203-218

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Radiative Capture Cross Sections of 155,157Gd for Thermal Neutrons

H. D. Choi, R. B. Firestone, M. S. Basunia, A. Hurst, B. Sleaford, N. Summers, J. E. Escher, Zs. Révay, L. Szentmiklósi, T. Belgya, M. Krtička

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 2 / June 2014 / Pages 219-232

Technical Paper /

Number 3

A Point Kinetics Model of the Medical Isotope Production Reactor Including the Effects of Boiling

C. M. Cooling, M. M. R. Williams, E. T. Nygaard, M. D. Eaton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 233-259

Technical Paper /

Control Rod Depletion in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor: Models and Impact on Reactivity Control

David Blanchet, Bruno Fontaine

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 260-274

Technical Paper /

Validation Study of Pin Heat Transfer for UO2 Fuel Based on the IFA-432 Experiments

Aaron M. Phillippe, James E. Banfield, Kevin T. Clarno, Larry J. Ott, Bobby Philip, Mark A. Berrill, Rahul S. Sampath, Srikanth Allu, Steven P. Hamilton

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 275-290

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Inventory Simulations Under Neutron Irradiation: Visualization Techniques as an Aid to Materials Design

M. R. Gilbert, L. W. Packer, J.-Ch. Sublet, R. A. Forrest

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 291-306

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Smoothing and Time Series Modeling of Nuclear Material Accounting Data for Protracted Diversion Detection

Tom Burr, Michael S. Hamada

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 307-320

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UO2 Versus MOX: Propagated Nuclear Data Uncertainty for keff, with Burnup

Petter Helgesson, Dimitri Rochman, Henrik Sjöstrand, Erwin Alhassan, Arjan Koning

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 321-336

Technical Paper /

Efficient Use of Monte Carlo: Uncertainty Propagation

D. Rochman, W. Zwermann, S. C. van der Marck, A. J. Koning, H. Sjöstrand, P. Helgesson, B. Krzykacz-Hausmann

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 337-349

Technical Paper /

High-Dimensional Model Representations for the Neutron Transport Equation

Zhengzheng Hu, Ralph C. Smith, Jeffrey Willert, C. T. Kelley

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 350-360

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Analysis of Example Problems for Monte Carlo Surface Flux Tallies

Jeffrey A. Favorite

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 177 / Number 3 / July 2014 / Pages 361-366

Technical Note /