American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172

Volume 172

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3

Number 1

Best-Estimate Predictions and Model Calibration for Reactor Thermal Hydraulics

Madalina C. Badea, Dan G. Cacuci, Aurelian F. Badea

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 1-19

Technical Paper /

Fission Neutron Spectrum Sensitivity Study for the Case of Advanced Heavy Water Reactor

Anek Kumar, S. Ganesan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 20-32

Technical Paper /

A Robust Arbitrarily High-Order Transport Method of the Characteristic Type for Unstructured Grids

Rodolfo M. Ferrer, Yousry Y. Azmy

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 33-51

Technical Paper /

Nonlinear Acceleration of Transport Criticality Problems

H. Park, D. A. Knoll, C. K. Newman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 52-65

Technical Paper /

Generation of Few-Group Diffusion Theory Constants by Monte Carlo Code McCARD

Ho Jin Park, Hyung Jin Shim, Han Gyu Joo, Chang Hyo Kim

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 66-77

Technical Paper /

Simulation of Neutron Pulse Height Distributions with a Response Matrix Method

S. Prasad, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, E. W. Larsen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 78-86

Technical Paper /

Neutron Interactions with 3He Revisited—I: Elastic Scattering Around and Beyond 10 MeV

M. Drosg, R. Avalos Ortiz, P. W. Lisowski

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 87-101

Technical Paper /

Theoretical Calculations and Analysis of n + 27Al Reaction

Yinlu Han, Yongli Xu, Haiying Liang, Hairui Guo, Chonghai Cai, Qingbiao Shen

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 102-121

Technical Paper /

Measurements of the 71Ga(n,)72m+gGa Cross Section in the Neutron Energy Range of 13.5 to 14.8 MeV

Junhua Luo, Rong Liu, Li Jiang

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 1 / September 2012 / Pages 122-126

Technical Note /

Number 2

Asymptotic Wielandt Method and Superhistory Method for Source Convergence in Monte Carlo Criticality Calculation

Ding She, Kan Wang, Ganglin Yu

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 127-137

Technical Paper /

Calculating the Second Eigenpair in Criticality Calculations Using the Monte Carlo Method with Source Points Pairing as an Efficient Net-Weight (Cancellation) Algorithm

Bo Shi, Bojan Petrovic

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 138-150

Technical Paper /

A Monte Carlo Code for Radiation Damage by Neutrons

V. Kumar, Nagendra Singh Raghaw, H. S. Palsania

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 151-163

Technical Paper /

Zero Variance Penalty Model for the Generation of Covariance Matrices in Integral Data Assimilation Problems

G. Noguere, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, B. Habert

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 164-179

Technical Paper /

Uncertainty Quantification for New Approaches to Spent Fuel Assay

Tom Burr, Jeremy Conlin, Jianwei Hu, Jack Galloway, Vladimir Henzl, Howard Menlove, Martyn Swinhoe, Stephen Tobin, Holly Trellue, Timothy Ulrich

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 180-192

Technical Paper /

Explicit Flux Autocorrelation Dependence on Dominance Ratio in Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations of Large Cores

Sergey S. Gorodkov

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 193-201

Technical Paper /

Dispersion Properties of B4C Microparticles as Emergency Neutron Absorbers in Spent-Fuel Pool Water

You-Jin Jung, Jaesik Hwang, Jei-Won Yeon, Bong Hyun Boo, Kyuseok Song

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 202-207

Technical Paper /

Fluctuations of Mass Yield Distribution for the Epithermal Fission of 235U and Its Impact on HCLWR Calculations

P. Leconte, J.-P. Hudelot, M. Antony

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 208-215

Technical Paper /

A Parallel Krylov-Based Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Procedure

R. T. Evans, D. G. Cacuci

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 2 / October 2012 / Pages 216-222

Technical Note /

Number 3

Revisiting Insights from Three Mile Island Unit 2 Postaccident Examinations and Evaluations in View of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident

Joy Rempe, Mitchell Farmer, Michael Corradini, Larry Ott, Randall Gauntt, Dana Powers

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 223-248

Technical Paper /

Critical Heat Flux in TRIGA-Fueled Reactors Cooled by Natural Convection

Michael Avery, Jun Yang, Mark Anderson, Michael Corradini, Earl Feldman, Floyd Dunn, James Matos

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 249-258

Technical Paper /

Utilization of Discontinuity Factor in Integrodifferential Type of Boltzmann Transport Equation

Akio Yamamoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 259-267

Technical Paper /

Beryllium and Graphite Neutron Total Cross-Section Measurements from 0.4 to 20 MeV

M. J. Rapp, Y. Danon, F. J. Saglime, R. M. Bahran, D. G. Williams, G. Leinweber, D. P. Barry, R. C. Block

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 268-277

Technical Paper /

New Analysis of Neutron-Induced Reactions at 14.5 MeV

N. V. Kornilov, S. M. Grimes, A. Voinov

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 278-286

Technical Paper /

Random Adjustment of the H in H2O Neutron Thermal Scattering Data

D. Rochman, A. J. Koning

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 287-299

Technical Paper /

Statistical Theory of Fission Chains and Generalized Poisson Neutron Counting Distributions

Manoj K. Prasad, Neal J. Snyderman

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 300-326

Technical Paper /

Estimation of Reactivity in a Research Reactor by Using a Second-Order Sliding Mode Observer

Syed Hameed Qaiser, Masood Iqbal, Aamer Iqbal Bhatti, Raza Samar, Javed Qadir

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 172 / Number 3 / November 2012 / Pages 327-336

Technical Paper /