American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2

Volume 136

Number 2

Development of Nonfertile and Evolutionary Mixed-Oxide Nuclear Fuels for Use in Existing Water Reactors

Stacey Eaton, Carl Beard, Kevin Ramsey, John Buksa, Ken Chidester

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 151-177

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Split-Cell, Linear Characteristic Transport Method for Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes

Kirk A. Mathews, Rodney L. Miller, Charles R. Brennan

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 178-201

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Acceleration of Multidimensional Discrete Ordinates Methods Via Adjacent-Cell Preconditioners

Y. Y. Azmy

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 202-226

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Load-Following Voltage Controller Design for a Static Space Nuclear Power System

Alexander G. Parlos, Fetiye O. Onbasioglu, John D. Metzger

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 227-246

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Application of Temperature Parallel Simulated Annealing to Loading Pattern Optimizations of Pressurized Water Reactors

Akio Yamamoto, Hiroshi Hashimoto

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 247-257

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Cross-Section Measurement for the 17O(n, p)17N Reaction by 14-MeV Neutrons

Y. Kasugai, Y. Ikeda, H. Sakane

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 258-264

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Calculations for the Excitation Functions of Reactions Induced in 63Cu by Neutrons in the 1- to 20-MeV Energy Range

K. Gul

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 265-271

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Definition of Subcriticality Using the Importance Function for the Production of Fission Neutrons

Keisuke Kobayashi, Kenji Nishihara

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 272-281

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Uniform Gauss-Weight Quadratures for Discrete Ordinate Transport Calculations

John F. Carew, Kai Hu, Gabriel Zamonsky

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 282-293

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Hybrid Skyshine Calculations for Complex Neutron and Gamma-Ray Sources

J. Kenneth Shultis

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 294-304

Technical Note /

A Quantitative Analysis of the Feynman- and Rossi-Alpha Formulas with Multiple Emission Sources

Z. F. Kuang, I. Pázsit

Nuclear Science and Engineering / Volume 136 / Number 2 / October 2000 / Pages 305-319

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