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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3

Volume 52

Number 3

Overview of Recent Japanese Activities and Plans in Fusion Technology

Ichiro Yamamoto, Takeo Nishitani, Akio Sagara

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 347-356

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Overview /

Updated Accident Consequence Analyses for ITER at Cadarache

Neill P. Taylor, Wolfgang Raskob

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 359-366

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Diagnostic Developments for the DIII-D National Fusion Facility

R. L. Boivin, DIII-D Team

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 367-374

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Superconducting Tokamak JT-60SA Project for ITER and DEMO Researches

Nobuyuki Hosogane, JT-60SA Design Team, Japan-Europe Satellite Tokamak Working Group

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 375-382

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

The Mercury Project: A High Average Power, Gas-Cooled Laser for Inertial Fusion Energy Development

A. Bayramian, P. Armstrong, E. Ault, R. Beach, C. Bibeau, J. Caird, R. Campbell, B. Chai, J. Dawson, C. Ebbers, A. Erlandson, Y. Fei, B. Freitas, R. Kent, Z. Liao, T. Ladran, J. Menapace, B. Molander, S. Payne, N. Peterson, M. Randles, K. Schaffers, S. Sutton, J. Tassano, S. Telford, E. Utterback

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 383-387

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Multi-Regional Long-Term Electricity Supply Scenarios with Fusion

Edgard Gnansounou, Denis Bednyagin

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 388-393

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

NSTX Plasma Start-Up Using Transient Coaxial Helicity Injection

D. Mueller, R. Raman, M. G. Bell, T. R. Jarboe, B. LeBlanc, R. Maqueda, S. Sabbagh, B. A. Nelson

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 393-397

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Rotation of a Neutral Beamline to Obtain Counter-Injection on the DIII-D Tokamak

J. T. Scoville

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 398-403

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

ITER NB Injector Test Facility: Analyses of the Impact on the High Voltage Network

R. Piovan, L. Novello, A. De Lorenzi, E. Gaio, F. Milani

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 403-407

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Axisymmetric Tandem Mirror Magnetic Fusion Energy Power Plant with Thick Liquid-Walls

R. W. Moir, T. D. Rognlien

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 408-416

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Configuration Design and Maintenance Approach for the ARIES-CS Stellarator Power Plant

X. R. Wang, S. Malang, A. R. Raffray, ARIES Team

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 417-421

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

High Performance Superconducting Options for ARIES Compact Stellarator

L. Bromberg, J. H. Schultz, L. El-Guebaly, L. Waganer, ARIES Team

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 422-426

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Liner-Driven Pulsed Magnetized Target Fusion Power Plant

Ronald L. Miller

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 427-431

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Experimental Devices and Advanced Designs /

Longitudinal Tracking of Direct Drive Inertial Fusion Targets

J. D. Spalding, L. C. Carlson, M. S. Tillack, N. B. Alexander, D. T. Goodin, R. W. Petzoldt

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 435-439

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Laser Fusion Chamber Design

James P. Blanchard, René Raffray

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 440-444

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Development of a Continuous Multi-Thousand Shot Electron Beam Pumped KrF Rep-Rate Laser for Fusion Energy

P. M. Burns, M. Myers, J. D. Sethian, M. F. Wolford, J. L. Giuliani, S. P. Obenschain, R. H. Lehmberg, S. Searles, M. Friedman, F. Hegeler, R. Jaynes, R. V. Smilgys

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 445-453

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

A Continuous, In-Chamber Target Tracking and Engagement Approach for Laser Fusion

Ron Petzoldt, Neil Alexander, Lane Carlson, Graham Flint, Dan Goodin, Jon Spalding, Mark Tillack

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 454-458

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Target Injection Placement Accuracy Improvement with Electrostatic Steering

Ron Petzoldt, Emanuil Valmianski, Lane Carlson, Phan Huynh

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 459-463

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Keeping the Cryogenic Targets Layered Until Shot Time in a Z-Pinch IFE Power Plant

R. Gallix, P. Mijatovic

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 464-467

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

The Challenge of an IFE Foam Capsule Overcoat

Diana Schroen, Dan Goodin, Jared Hund, Reny Paguio, Barry McQuillan, Jonathan Streit

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 468-472

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Cryogenic Target Handling, Transfer and Positioning System for the Laser Mégajoule

D. Brisset, V. Lamaison, G. Paquignon, J. P. Périn, E. Bouleau, D. Chatain, J. Manzagol

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 473-477

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Target Tracking and Engagement for Inertial Fusion Energy - A Tabletop Demonstration

Lane Carlson, Mark Tillack, Thomas Lorentz, Jon Spalding, Neil Alexander, Graham Flint, Dan Goodin, Ronald Petzoldt

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 478-482

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Investigation of Mist Cooling for the Electra KrF Laser Hibachi

V. Novak, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, D. L. Sadowski, K. G. Schoonover

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 483-488

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Shock Mitigation Using Compressible Two-Phase Jets for Z-Pinch IFE Applications

Celine C. Lascar, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, D. L. Sadowski

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 489-493

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Simple Models for Aspects of IFE Shock Mitigation

R. J. Lawrence, L. C. Chhabildas

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 494-498

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Investigation of Argon Gas as a Potential Shock Attenuator in Z-IFE Chambers Using ALEGRA

Sal B. Rodriguez, Jason Cook

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 499-505

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

An Upper Bound for Stress Waves Induced by Volumetric Heating in IFE Chamber Walls

James P. Blanchard, Jens Conzen

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 506-510

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Inertial Fusion Technology: Targets and Chambers /

Development of Tungsten Materials for Plasma Facing Components in Japan

Y. Ueda, N. Ohno, S. Kajita, H. Kurishita, H. Iwakiri, K. Tokunaga, N. Yoshida

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 513-520

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Grain Size Effect on Room Temperature Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Behavior of OFHC Copper

Xiao Pan, Xianglin Wu, Geng Fu, James F. Stubbins

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 521-525

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Investigation of Thin Liquid Layer Rupture for Liquid-Protected Divertors

T. Koehler, M. Yoda, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, D. L. Sadowski, S. Shin

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 526-530

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Thermal Performance of Gas-Cooled T-Tube Divertor Modules

L. Crosatti, D. L. Sadowski, J. B. Weathers, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, M. Yoda, ARIES Team

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 531-538

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Graphite Tile Thermal Performance on the New DIII-D Lower Divertor

C. J. Murphy, P. M. Anderson, C. J. Lasnier

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 539-543

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Effects of High Temperature Pulsed Helium Implantation on Tungsten Surface Morphology

Ross Radel, Gerald Kulcinski

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 544-548

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Development of a Porous-Type Manifold for IFMIF High Flux Test Module

Yasutaka Harai, Takayuki Shimizu, Hiroshi Irisa, Shinji Ebara, Takehiko Yokomine, Akihiko Shimizu

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 549-553

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Hydrogen Isotope Retentions and Erosion/Deposition Profiles in the First Wall of JT-60U

Y. Oya, Y. Hirohata, T. Nakahata, T. Suda, M. Yoshida, T. Arai, K. Masaki, K. Okuno, T. Tanabe

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 554-558

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Ultra Low Pressure-Drop Helium-Cooled Porous-Tungsten PFC

S. Sharafat, A. Mills, D. Youchison, R. Nygren, B. Williams, N. Ghoniem

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 559-565

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Edge Transport Control with the Local Island Divertor and Recent Progress in LHD

M. Kobayashi, N. Ohyabu, T. Mutoh, R. Kumazawa, Y. Feng, M. Shoji, T. Morisaki, S. Masuzaki, A. Sagara, R. Sakamoto, T. Seki, J. Miyazawa, T. Watanabe, M. Goto, K. Ideda, H. Kasahara, S. Morita, B. J. Peterson, N. Ashikawa, K. Saito, S. Sakakibara, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Nakamura, K. Narihara, I. Yamada, H. Yamada, A. Komori, O. Motojima, LHD Experimental Group

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 566-573

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Modeling Space-Time Dependent Helium Bubble Evolution in Tungsten Armor Under IFE Conditions

Qiyang Hu, Shahram Sharafat, Nasr M. Ghoniem

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 574-578

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Surface Roughening Mechanisms for Tungsten Exposed to Laser, Ion, and X-Ray Pulses

Michael Andersen, Nasr M. Ghoniem

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 579-583

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - High Heat Flux Components /

Validation Case Results for 2D and 3D MHD Simulations

Ming-Jiu Ni, Ramakanth Munipalli, Neil B. Morley, Peter Huang, Mohamed A. Abdou

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 587-594

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

A Parametric Study of 3D MHD Flows in Expansions of Rectangular Ducts

L. Bühler

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 595-602

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

A Self-Cooled Liquid Breeder Blanket for a Laser IFE Power Plant with Magnetic Intervention

A. R. Raffray, A. E. Robson, M. E. Sawan, G. Sviatoslavsky, I. N. Sviatoslavsky, X. Wang

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 603-608

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Compatibility of Low Activation Ferritic Steels with Liquid Lithium

Qi Xu, T. Nagasaka, T. Muroga

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 609-612

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Absorption of Atomic Hydrogen by Vanadium

Yuji Hatano, Andrei Busnyuk, Alexander Livshits, Yukio Nakamura, Masao Matsuyama

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 613-617

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Heat Transfer Performance for High Prandtl and High Temperature Molten Salt Flow in Sphere-Packed Pipes

Tomoaki Satoh, Kazuhisa Yuki, Shin-ya Chiba, Hidetoshi Hashizume, Akio Sagara

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 618-624

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Heat Transfer of High Prandtl Number Fluid Flow Under Strong Magnetic Field

T. Yokomine, J. Takeuchi, H. Nakaharai, S. Satake, T. Kunugi, N. B. Morley, M. A. Abdou

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 625-629

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Experimental Study on Corrosion of Ceramic Materials in Natural Convection Lithium Loop

Masaru Nagura, Masatoshi Kondo, Akihiro Suzuki, Takeo Muroga, Takayuki Terai

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 630-634

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Integration of the Modular Dual Coolant Pb-17Li Blanket Concept in the ARIES-CS Power Plant

X. R. Wang, S. Malang, L. A. El-Guebaly, A. R. Raffray, ARIES Team

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 635-639

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Incorporation of Hydrogen in Carbon-Tungsten Co-Deposition Layers Formed by Hydrogen Plasma Sputtering

K. Katayama, T. Okamura, K. Imaoka, M. Sasaki, Y. Uchida, M. Nishikawa, S. Fukada

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 640-644

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Erosion Behavior of Carbon Deposition Layers Formed by Hydrogen Plasma Sputtering

T. Okamura, K. Katayama, K. Imaoka, Y. Uchida, M. Nishikawa, S. Fukada

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 645-648

Technical Paper / First Wall, Blanket, and Shield /

Recent Activities on Tritium Technologies for ITER and Fusion Reactors at JAEA

T. Hayashi, K. Isobe, K. Kobayashi, Y. Iwai, Y. Kawamura, H. Nakamura, W. M. Shu, T. Arita, S. Hoshi, T. Suzuki, M. Yamada, T. Yamanishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 651-658

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Modeled Tritium Inventories Within the ITER Fuel Cycle Systems in Typical Fueling Scenarios

Ioana R. Cristescu, I. Cristescu, Ch. Day, M. Glugla, D. Murdoch

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 659-666

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Integrated Tests of Water Detritiation and Cryogenic Distillation in View of ITER Design

I. Cristescu, I. R. Cristescu, L. Dörr, M. Glugla, D. Murdoch

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 667-671

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Construction Safety Forecast for ITER

L. C. Cadwallader

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 672-676

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Recovery of Tritium from Flibe Blanket in Fusion Reactor

S. Fukada, K. Katayama, T. Terai, A. Sagara

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 677-681

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Tritium Control for Flibe/V-Alloy Blanket System

T. Muroga, T. Tanaka, Zaixin Li, A. Sagara, Dai-Kai Sze

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 682-686

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Tritium Behavior on the Water-Metal Boundary for the Permeation into Cooling Water Through Metal Piping

T. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, K. Isobe, K. Kobayashi, T. Yamanishi, K. Okuno

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 687-691

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Fundamental Study on Purity Control of the Liquid Metal Blanket Using Solid Electrolyte Cell

Yoshihiko Yamamoto, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Yoshinori Kawamura, Kanetsugu Isobe, Yasushi Yamamoto, Satoshi Konishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 692-695

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Study for the Behavior of Tritiated Water Vapor on Organic Materials

Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Takumi Hayashi, Hirofumi Nakamura, Toshihiko Yamanishi, Yasuhisa Oya, Kenji Okuno

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 696-700

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Self-Decomposition Behavior of High Concentration Tritiated Water

T. Itoh, T. Hayashi, K. Isobe, K. Kobayashi, T. Yamanishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 701-705

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Isotope Effect of Hydrogen Rapidly Supplied from the Metal Storage Bed

T. Hayashi, T. Suzuki, W. M. Shu, T. Yamanishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 706-710

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Oxidation Performance Test of Detritiation System Under Existence of SF6

Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Hidenori Miura, Takumi Hayashi, Shuichi Hoshi, Toshihiko Yamanishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 711-715

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Tritium, Safety, and Environment /

Sub-Critical Transmutation Reactors with Tokamak Fusion Neutron Sources Based on ITER Physics and Technology

W. M. Stacey

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 719-726

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Tokamak Fusion Neutron Source for a Fast Transmutation Reactor

J.-P. Floyd, S. M. Jones, M. Kato, J. C. Schultz, B. H. Shrader, J. B. Weathers, W. M. Stacey, Z. W. Friis, R. W. Johnson

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 727-730

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Transmutation of Actinides Using Z-Pinch Fusion

B. B. Cipiti, P. P. H. Wilson, P. Phruksarojanakun, L. A. El-Guebaly

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 731-738

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Engineering Issues Facing Transmutation of Actinides in Z-Pinch Fusion Power Plant

L. El-Guebaly, B. Cipiti, P. H. Wilson, P. Phruksarojanakun, R. Grady, I. Sviatoslavsky

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 739-743

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Isotopic Analysis of the In-Zinerator Actinide Management System

P. Phruksarojanakun, P. P. H. Wilson, B. B. Cipiti, R. M. Grady

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 744-751

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Modeling of a Z-IFE Hydrogen Plant Using MELCOR-H2

Sal B. Rodriguez, Randall O. Gauntt, Randy Cole, Katherine McFadden, Fred Gelbard, Len Malczynski, Billy Martin, Shripad T. Revankar, Karen Vierow, Dave Louie, Louis Archuleta

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 752-755

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /

Hydrogen Production from Biomass Using High Temperature Nuclear Heat

Yuto Takeuchi, Yasushi Yamamoto, Satoshi Konishi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 52 / Number 3 / October 2007 / Pages 756-760

Technical Paper / The Technology of Fusion Energy - Nonelectric Applications /