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Home / Publications / Journals / Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3

Volume 25

Number 3

  • Table of Contents
  • Authors(Gerald Kamelander, Franz Woloch, Gert Sdouz, V. Ya. Goloborod'ko, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, S. N. Reznik, V. A. Yavorskij, V. S. Belikov, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, Fong-Yan Gang, D. J. Sigmar, Jean-Noel Leboeuf, Fredrik Wising, Augusta Airoldi, Giovanna Cenacchi, Fredrik Wising, Dan Anderson, Mietek Lisak, Michal Benda, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, V. V. Lutsenko, Yu. V. Yakovenko, Weigang Hui, Bassam A. Bamieh, George H. Miley, B. Coppi, Alessandro Fubini, Marcel Haegi, Richard O. Dendy, Chris N. Lashmore-Davies, Geoff A. Cottrell, Kenneth G. McClements, Kin F. Kam, Jan Källne, Giuseppe Gorini, B. Coppi, P. Detragiache, S. Migliuolo, M. Nassi, B. Rogers)
  • Comments(George Miley)
  • Guest Editor's Comments(Marcel Haegi)
  • Comments on the Model for Coherent Deuteron-Deuteron Fusion in Crystalline Pd-D Lattice

Self-Consistent Alpha-Particle Transport in Ignition Scenarios

Gerald Kamelander, Franz Woloch, Gert Sdouz

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 241-248

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Effect of Pitch-Angle Scattering on the Alpha-Particle Bootstrap Current in the Near-Axis Region of the Tokamak

V. Ya. Goloborod'ko, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, S. N. Reznik, V. A. Yavorskij

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 249-257

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Edge-Localized Thermonuclear Magnetoacoustic-Cyclotron Instability in Tokamaks

V. S. Belikov, Ya. I. Kolesnichenko

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 258-265

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Alpha-Particle-Driven Alfvén Turbulence and Its Effect on Alpha-Particle Transport

Fong-Yan Gang, D. J. Sigmar, Jean-Noel Leboeuf, Fredrik Wising

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 266-277

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Ignited and High-Q Plasmas in Ignitor

Augusta Airoldi, Giovanna Cenacchi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 278-289

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Profile Effects on Ignition Conditions in Fusion Plasmas

Fredrik Wising, Dan Anderson, Mietek Lisak, Michal Benda

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 290-301

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Thermonuclear Burn in a Plasma with Sawtooth Oscillations

Ya. I. Kolesnichenko, V. V. Lutsenko, Yu. V. Yakovenko

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 302-317

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Robust Burn Control of a Fusion Reactor by Modulation of the Refueling Rate

Weigang Hui, Bassam A. Bamieh, George H. Miley

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 318-325

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Engineering /

Confinement of Fusion Reaction Products and Radiation Emission Induced by Them

B. Coppi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 326-329

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Plasma Heating System /

Diagnostics of Fusion Plasma with D(d,γ)4He Gamma-Line Broadening: A Feasibility Study

Alessandro Fubini, Marcel Haegi

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 330-333

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Experimental Device /

Ion Cyclotron Emission — a Natural Diagnostic for Fusion Alpha Particles

Richard O. Dendy, Chris N. Lashmore-Davies, Geoff A. Cottrell, Kenneth G. McClements, Kin F. Kam

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 334-340

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Experimental Device /

Neutron Observations and Alpha Particles in High-Power Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas

Jan Källne, Giuseppe Gorini

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 341-352

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Experimental Device /

D-3He Burning, Second Stability Region, and the Ignitor Experiment

B. Coppi, P. Detragiache, S. Migliuolo, M. Nassi,, B. Rogers

Fusion Science and Technology / Volume 25 / Number 3 / May 1994 / Pages 353-367

Technical Paper / Alpha-Particle Special / Experimental Device /