Home / Honors / Recipients / November 2007
Presented by Donald C. Hintz, President
John S. Hendricks, Fellow
James F. Stubbins, Fellow
ANS Student Section Committee, Presidential Citation Represented by Chair Darby S. Kimball
ANS Young Members Group, Presidential Citation Represented by Chair Kent Byron Welter
Carol L. Berrigan, Presidential Citation
Center for Energy Workforce Development, Presidential Citation Represented by NEI President and CEO Admiral Skip L. Bowman
Luis A. Reyes, Presidential Citation
Japan Research Reactor No. 3 (JRR-3), Nuclear Historic Landmark Award Represented by Site Executive Director Hideaki Yokomizo
Saed Mirzadeh, Seaborg Medal
Denwood F. Ross, Jr., Reactor Technology Award Accepted by Perry Reidar Ross and Denwood F. Ross, III on behalf of their father
Monica C. Regalbuto, Mary Jane Oestmann Award
Dana A. Powers, Theos. J. Tommy Thompson Award
William L. Whittemore, Standards Service Award Accepted by Alice Whittemore on behalf of her husband
Washington, DC Local Section, Best Local Section Overall - Small Represented by DC Section Member Harry D. Felsher
Idaho Local Section, Best Meetings and Programs and Best Section Management - Large Represented by Chair Teri Ehresman
Savannah River Local Section, Best Public Information and Education and Best Membership -
Large Represented by Chair Tinh Tran
Nuclear Criticality Safety Division, Young Members Advancement Award
Represented by Chair Fitz Trumble
W. David Pointer, Young Member Excellence Award
Jong H. Kim, Technical Achievement Award
Last updated May 5, 2017, 1:39pm CDT.