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Scope: This standard provides an analytical method for calculating the release of volatile fission products from oxide fuel pellets during normal reactor operation. When used with nuclide yields, this method will give the so-called "gap activity," which is the inventory of volatile fission products that could be available for release from the fuel rod if the cladding were breached. The standard considers high-temperature (up to the melting point) and low-temperature (where temperature-independent processes dominate) releases and distinguishes between short-halflife (halflife less than one year) and long-halflife (halflife greater than one year) nuclides. This standard requires that releases for nuclides of interest be calculated with both the high-temperature and the low-temperature models, and the larger of the two calculated releases is to be taken as the result.
Scope: This standard provides criteria for defining Airborne Release Fractions (ARFs) for radioactive materials under accident conditions (excluding nuclear criticalities) at non-reactor nuclear facilities. The criteria in this standard provide requirements for selecting ARFs based on the calculated or assumed forms of radioactive material released. This standard may be applied to determine the ARFs for certain applicable reactor plant events for which alternative methodologies are not mandated by regulatory requirements. Because the predominant physical forms of radioactive materials in non-reactor facilities are solids and liquids, the standard focuses on these forms. Criteria are also provided for gases and materials that can be converted into the form of a vapor.
Scope: This standard presents data recommended for computing the biologically relevant dosimetric quantity in photon and neutron radiation fields. Specifically, this standard is intended for use by radiation shielding designers for the calculation of effective dose. Fit coefficients are given for evaluating whole body effective dose per unit fluence for photons with energy between 10 keV to 10 GeV and for neutrons with energy between 0.001 eV to 10 GeV. Eight different irradiation geometries are considered. Establishing exposure limits is outside the scope of this standard.
Scope: This standard provides information on acceptable evaluated nuclear data and group-aveaged neutron and gamma-ray cross section libraries derived from these evaluated nuclear data based on the energy range and materials of importance in nuclear radiation protetion and shielding calculations for nuclear power plants.
Scope: This standard describes a test program to be used in evaluating biological radiation shielding in nuclear reactor facilities under normal operating conditions including anticipated operational occurrences. The program encompasses examining and testing to be performed before startup, during startup, and testing subsequent to the startup phase. Post startup tests are required for the shielded components which do not contain sufficient radioactivity during the startup phase to allow valid testing. Shielding of these components is to be tested when radiation sources develop or are introduced into sufficient strength to allow meaningful measurements. Post startup shield tests are also required whenever radioactive or potentially radioactive equipment which could affect the adequacy of the installed shielding is introduced into the plant or relocated within the plant, or when previously tested shielding has been modified. One special category of post start-up testing is the testing of shielding during refueling operations.
Scope: The standard contains methods and data needed in design of concrete shielding required for protection of personnel and equipment against the effects of gamma rays and neutrons. Specific guidance is given regarding attenuation calculations, shielding design, and standards of documentation.
Scope: This standard sets forth physical and nuclear properties that shall be reported by the supplier as appropriate for a particular application in order to form the basis for the selection of radiation shielding materials.
Scope: This standard presents evaluated gamma-ray elemental attenuation coefficients and single-material buildup factors for selected engineering materials for use in shielding calculations of structures in power plants and other nuclear facilities. The data cover the energy range 0.015-15 MeV and up to 40 mean free paths (mfp). These data are intended to be standard reference data for use in radiation analyses employing point-kernel methods.
Scope: This standard defines calculational requirements and discusses measurement techniques for estimates of dose rates near light water reactor (LWR) nuclear power plants due to direct and scattered gamma-rays from contained sources onsite. Onsite locations outside plant buildings and locations in the offsite unrestricted area are considered. All sources that contribute significantly to dose rates are identified and methods for calculating the source strength of each are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on 16N sources as they are significant sources of direct and scattered radiation for boiling water reactors (BWR). The standard specifically excludes radiation from gaseous and liquid effluents. The standard describes the considerations necessary to compute dose rates, including component self-shielding, shielding afforded by walls and structures, and scattered radiation. The requirements for measurements and data interpretation of measurements are given. The standard includes normal operation and shutdown conditions but does not address accident or normal operational transient conditions.
Last modified July 21, 2016, 1:57pm CDT