Home / Standards / Get Involved / Volunteer Opportunities / Research and Advanced Reactors Consensus Committee (RARCC)
If you are interested in participating in the following standards, complete and submit the Standards Volunteer Form.
Scope: This standard provides for the safe conduct of critical experiments. Such experiments study neutron behavior in a fission device where the energy produced is insufficient to require auxiliary cooling, and the power history is such that the inventory of long-lived fission products is insignificant.
Scope: This standard is for those involved in the design, operation, and review of fast pulse reactors. It has been formulated in general terms to be applicable to all current fast pulse reactors. This standard does not apply to periodically pulsed reactors or booster assemblies.
Scope: This standard identifies and establishes the content of technical specifications (TS) for research and test reactors. Areas addressed are: Definitions, Safety Limits (SL), Limiting Safety System Settings (LSSS), Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCO), Surveillance Requirements, Design Features, and Administrative Controls. Sufficient detail is incorporated so that applicable specifications can be derived or extracted.
Scope: This standard sets forth general requirements for the establishment and execution of a program designed to verify that the qualify of plate-type uranium-aluminum fuel elements being purchased for research reactors conforms to the requirements of the contract and applicable technical documents, including specifications, standards, and drawings.
Scope: This standard provides criteria for the selection and training of research reactor operating personnel. It addresses their qualifications, training, initial licensing, requalification, and relicensing. This standard is predicated on levels of responsibility rather than on a particular organizational concept.
Scope: This standard provides criteria for quality assurance in the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of research reactors.
Scope: This standard establishes the elements of a radiation protection program and the criteria necessary to provide an acceptable level of radiation protection for personnel at research reactor facilities and the public consistent with keeping exposures and releases as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA).
Scope: This standard documents the criteria from which appropriate specific design requirements may be established for the reactor safety system of an individual research reactor.
Scope: This standard identifies the elements of an emergency plan which describes the approach to coping with emergencies and minimizing the consequences of accidents at research reactor facilities. The emphasis given each of these elements shall be commensurate with the potential risk involved. The emergency plan shall be implemented by emergency procedures.
Scope: This standard provides the criteria for the format and content for safety analysis reports for research reactors.
Scope: This standard provides one technology neutral SSC classification process for research reactors that is, where possible, performance based and risk informed. This standard applies to existing and future research and test reactors.
Last modified July 21, 2016, 1:57pm CDT