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If you are interested in participating in the following standards, complete and submit the Standards Volunteer Form.
Scope: This standard establishes the nuclear safety design criteria and functional performance requirements for liquid-fuel molten-salt reactor nuclear power plants. The document uses performance-based, risk-informed criteria wherever possible. It also describes the design process to be followed to establish those criteria and perform structures, systems, and component classifications.
Scope: This standard provides a single technology neutral categorization and classification process for Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) for new nuclear power plants that is, where possible, risk informed and performance based. This process will then be used to determine special treatment of SSCs to meet the safety basis. This standard applies only to those new design facilities (i.e. greater than Generation III) that must obtain an operating license from the proper regulatory authority. It provides a complete (e.g., necessary and sufficient) repeatable logical process based upon risk-informed, performance based objectives. Other voluntary consensus standards may often be required in order to complete the entire process for all SSCs. Those standards are incorporated by reference.
Scope: This standard provides a process for establishing top-level safety criteria (TLSC); safety functions; top-level design criteria (TLDC); potential licensing-basis events (LBEs); potential design-basis accidents (DBAs); safety classification of systems, structures, and components (SSCs); safety analyses; defense-in-depth (DID); and adequate assurance of special treatment requirements for safety-related SSCs throughout the operating life of the plant. This standard does not provide detailed guidance for design.
Scope: This standard applies to all sodium fast reactor nuclear power plants, irrespective of level of power production and energy end use. It also applies to configurations in which there are one or more reactor units (modules) on a site. It is intended to apply to all fuel types. The heat transport system is not restricted to a particular configuration and thus the standard applies to loop, pool, hybrid, or other arrangements. The standard also pertains to on-site storage of spent fuel prior to its removal for recycling or long-term storage.
Scope: This technology-neutral guidance standard provides information for preparation of technology-specific new reactor design standards and supporting documents. New reactor designs include modular reactors using light water nuclear technologies and advanced reactors using non-light water nuclear technologies as the basis for design. This guidance standard addresses the objectives for facilitating the incorporation of risk- and performance-based information into a new reactor safety design process through all stages of the facility lifecycle. This guidance standard is focused at a high level to enable risk-informed and performance-based (RIPB) results to be consistently applied across all stages of plant lifecycle and to be integrated throughout design development. The information of this guidance standard supports RIPB input to key safety aspects such as high-level criteria selection, licensing basis event selection, safety margin, equipment classification, and defense in depth as well as integration of these aspects with multiple design needs.
Last modified July 21, 2016, 1:57pm CDT