The NRNFCC is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards for the safety analysis, design, maintenance, operator selection and training, and quality requirements for nonreactor nuclear facilities including facilities using radioactive isotopes, remote handling of radioactive materials, fuel processing, mixed oxide fuel processing and other fuel cycle facilities other than spent fuel handling and storage. The ANS Standards Committee Procedures Manual for Consensus Committees shall be used to guide the activities of this consensus committee.
Scope: Draft scope: This standard's broad applicability provides the user a methodology to evaluate and assess the significance of aircraft crash risk on hazardous facility safety and provides a framework of stepwise increases in analytical sophistication aimed to demonstrate that an aircraft crash either does or does not exceed a risk level of concern equivalent to other generally applied sources of risk from the operation of nuclear facilities.
Scope: This standard provides guidance on systematically evaluating structures, systems, and components for evaluation of remaining lifetime and determining the need for additional analysis and inspection to address aging management in support of extending the life of nonreactor nuclear facilities. The standard applies to nuclear facilities including those regulated by the U. S. Department of Energy under 10 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 830, such as nuclear material processing and storage facilities as well as fuel fabrication and enrichment facilities regulated by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under 10 CFR 70 and conversion/de-conversion facilities regulated under 10 CFR Part 40.
Scope: This standard is applicable to operations within nonreactor nuclear facilities that have a risk of causing significant harm to workers, the public and the environment due to radiation or chemical exposures that result from nonreactor nuclear facility processes.
Scope: This standard specifies criteria for categorization of SSCs and SACs that have a safety function based on radiological and/or chemical dose and exposure levels for the public and workers. The safety categorization leads to codes and standards that are needed for reliable design, construction, and operations commensurate with the safety categorization. The safety categorization criteria specified in this standard will (1) establish an objective and technically based rationale for the determination of safety categorization; (2) ensure that all hazard controls required by the safety design basis are appropriately categorized; (3) establish a basis for consistency (i.e., minimize categorization differences among similar items in a facility). .
Last modified July 21, 2016, 10:39am CDT