Home / Standards / Get Involved / Volunteer Opportunities / Large Light Water Reactor Consensus Committee (LLWRCC)
If you are interested in participating in the following standards, complete and submit the Standards Volunteer Form.
Scope: This standard provides criteria for the selection, qualification, and training of personnel for nuclear power plants. The qualifications of personnel in the operating organizations appropriate to safe and efficient operation of a nuclear power plant are addressed in terms of the minimum education, experience, and training requirements.
Scope: This standard provides requirements and recommendations for managerial and administrative controls to ensure that activities associated with operating a nuclear power plant are carried out without undue risk to the health and safety of the public. This standard provides requirements for implementing managerial and administrative controls consistent with requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B [1]. ) This standard is not specifically intended for application to test, mobile, or experimental reactors, nor reactors not subject to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing. Although this standard is based on NRC requirements, the approach is applicable with modifications to reflect the regulatory requirements in the country of application. Applicable sections of this standard may be used in those cases for activities similar to those addressed herein.
Scope: This standard defines the medical and psychological requirements for licensing of nuclear power plant reactor operators and senior operators. It also addresses the content, extent, and methods of examination. This standard has been reviewed and reaffirmed by the ANS Nuclear Facilities Standards Committee (NFSC) with the recognition that it may reference other standards and documents that may have been superseded or withdrawn. The requirements of this document are met by using the version of the standards and documents referenced herein. It is the responsibility of the user to review each of the references cited and to determine whether the use of the original references or more recent versions is appropriate for the facility. Variations from the standards and documents referenced in this standard should be evaluated and documented. The standard does not necessarily reflect recent industry initiatives for risk informed decision-making or a graded approach to quality assurance. Users should consider the use of these industry initiatives in the application of this standard.
Scope: This standard establishes the functional requirements for full-scope nuclear power plant control room simulators for use in operator training and examination. The standard also establishes criteria for the scope of simulation, performance, and functional capabilities of simulators. This standard does not address simulators for reactors not subject to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing. This standard does not establish criteria for the use of simulators in training programs.
Scope: This standard will provide minimum requirements for use of simulators for other applications such as plant engineering design Verification and Validation (V&V), plant engineering modifications V&V, optimization of engineering designs, optimization of plant performance, control loops tuning through different power levels, reducing trip risks, power uprates/downrates, pre-testing, human factors engineering, safety assessment studies, plant procedures development and verification, testing and commissioning procedures development and verification, training of plant personnel other than operators, etc.
Scope: This standard provides criteria to describe nuclear facility reliability assurance programs and to perform scheduled maintenance and/or monitoring of operating conditions. This standard identifies and provides for scheduled maintenance based upon design principles. It provides guidance on how to select components' failure modes and maintenance requirements.
Scope: This standard provides a risk-informed, performance-based process for assessing the safety significance of plant digital assets. This risk-informed, performance-based process is in lieu of the deterministic methods currently in use. This standard applies to both new and operating plants.
Scope: This standard specifies acceptable primary containment leakage rate test requirements to assure valid testing. The scope includes (1) Leakage test requirements; (2) Test instrumentation; (3) Test procedures; (4) Test methods; (5) Acceptance criteria; (6) Data analysis; (7) Inspection and recording of test results.
Scope: This standard establishes criteria and methods for identifying, calculating, validating, tracking, and documenting time requirements for the performance of nuclear power plant time-limited manual actions that are associated with either design-basis events or licensing basis.
Last modified July 21, 2016, 1:57pm CDT