Home / Standards / Get Involved / Volunteer Opportunities / Large Light Water Reactor Consensus Committee (LLWRCC)
If you are interested in participating in the following standards, complete and submit the Standards Volunteer Form.
Scope: This standard establishes properties for identifying emergency response functions and subsequently developing an overall pre-planned emergency response organization for nuclear facilities. The properties address a) basic emergency response functions, b) emergency response support functions, c) emergency response organization, and d) personnel responsibilities.
Scope: This standard establishes functional and physical properties for facilities needed to provide an adequate overall emergency response. The properties address a) emergency response facilities, b) facility features and requirements, and c) parameters needed to provide a basis for determining an adequate inventory of equipment and supplies for anticipated emergency responses.
Scope: This standard establishes properties for developing a radiological emergency response plan, emergency plan implementing procedures, and emergency plan administrative procedures for nuclear facilities. Properties include exercises, drills, surveillance, and training.
Scope: This standard establishes properties for consequence assessment properties, as well as field monitoring, and sampling and analysis strategy during all phases of and after an emergency to be used for Protective Action Recommendations for nuclear facilities.
Scope: This standard establishes properties for the planning, development, conduct and evaluation of radiological emergency response drills and exercises in support of emergency preparedness at nuclear facilities. In addition, this standard will incorporate the requirements for the conduct of Hostile Action-Based Emergency Response drills.
Scope: The guidance document provides recommended practices for using risk analysis methods and insights to influence the properties of emergency preparedness and response functions for nuclear power plants and non-power nuclear facilities. Initial work products will focus on risk-informing development of site Emergency Response Organizations (e.g., identification of necessary functions, positions and response times) and technical bases for sizing Emergency Planning Zones (including the selection of accident sequences).This guidance may be provided as a logically integrated set of work products rather than a single document.
Last modified July 21, 2016, 1:57pm CDT