American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 167 / Number 1

Options Extending the Applicability of High-Temperature Irradiation-Resistant Thermocouples

Joy L. Rempe, Darrell L. Knudson, Keith G. Condie, John C. Crepeau, Joshua E. Daw, S. Curtis Wilkins

Nuclear Technology / Volume 167 / Number 1 / July 2009 / Pages 169-177

Technical Paper / NURETH-12 / Radiation Measurements and Instrumentation /

Several options have been identified that could further enhance the reliability and extend the applicability of high-temperature irradiation-resistant thermocouples (HTIR-TCs) developed by the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) for in-pile testing, allowing their use in temperature applications as high as 1800