American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 11

Drying and Analysis of Aluminum (Oxy)hydroxide Films for Dry Storage of Aluminum-Clad Spent Nuclear Fuels

Robert J. Demuth, Anna L. D’Entremont, Rebecca Smith, Robert L. Sindelar, Travis W. Knight

Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 11 / November 2024 / Pages 2187-2203

Research Article /

Received:November 17, 2023
Accepted:January 23, 2024
Published:September 25, 2024

In aluminum-clad spent nuclear fuels, an (oxy)hydroxide layer on the surface of the cladding hosts chemisorbed water formed during reactor and post-discharge exposure to water. Any residual water is susceptible to generating hydrogen via radiolysis, which can be a risk associated with dry fuel storage. Engineering-scale forced helium dehydration (FHD) and vacuum drying tests were conducted on mock-up fuel assemblies that included corroded aluminum surrogate plates to assess the removal of bulk and chemisorbed water. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed on samples of the surrogate plates, both undried control samples used to determine onset temperatures associated with a phase change occurring in the oxide layer and samples from drying tests used to determine the effectiveness of each drying method. Both vacuum drying and FHD processes were capable of removing bulk water. However, FHD was determined to provide additional drying capabilities, including partial removal of chemisorbed water from bayerite due to the higher temperatures during drying. The temperature threshold for partial dehydroxylation of the oxide layer was determined to be around 220°C, meaning any drying methods attempting to remove chemisorbed water must exceed 220°C.