Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 9
Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 9 / September 2024 / Pages 1578-1592
Research Article / dx.doi.org/10.1080/00295450.2023.2262294
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The heat generated by high-level radioactive waste can pose numerical and physical challenges to subsurface flow and transport simulators if the liquid water content in a region near the waste package approaches residual saturation due to evaporation. Here, residual saturation is the fraction of the pore space occupied by liquid water when the hydraulic connectivity through a porous medium is lost, preventing the flow of liquid water. While conventional capillary pressure models represent residual saturation using asymptotically large values of capillary pressure, here, residual saturation is effectively modeled as a tortuosity effect alone. Treating the residual fluid as primarily dead-end pores and adsorbed films, relative permeability is independent of capillary pressure below residual saturation. To test this approach, PFLOTRAN is then used to simulate thermal-hydrological conditions resulting from direct disposal of a dual-purpose canister in unsaturated alluvium using both conventional asymptotic and revised, smooth models. While the two models have comparable results over 100 000 years, the number of flow steps required is reduced by approximately 94%.