American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 8

Evaluation of Reaction Rate Distribution Measurement in the Prototype Fast Reactor Monju

Kazuya Ohgama, Taira Hazama, Hiroki Katagiri, Atsushi Takegoshi, Tetsuya Mouri

Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 8 / August 2024 / Pages 1336-1353

Research Article /

Received:October 3, 2023
Accepted:December 9, 2023
Published:July 12, 2024

In the prototype fast breeder reactor Monju, reaction rate distributions of the fission reaction rates of 239Pu, 235U, and 238U and the capture reaction rate of 238U were measured using activation foils during its system startup test. The measurements in the core and radial blanket regions were evaluated in detail, and their reliability and usefulness as the validation data for fast reactor neutronics design methodologies were examined through a comparison with calculations. The reaction rate data measured in Monju were confirmed all reliable and useful as the validation data. The fission reactions of 239Pu, 235U, and 238U can be validated with an accuracy of a few percent in the core and blanket regions. The capture reaction of 238U in the core region also can be validated with a similar accuracy, whereas a precise calculation of the foil cross section is necessary to consider the resonance shielding effects of the surrounding fuel pins and a foil.