American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 3

A Comprehensive Approach to Molten Salt Reactor Source Term Generation and Shielding Analyses

Kyle Carberry, Bojan Petrovic

Nuclear Technology / Volume 210 / Number 3 / March 2024 / Pages 409-435

Research Article /

Received:March 24, 2023
Accepted:June 20, 2023
Published:February 8, 2024

The research presented herein outlines a comprehensive process for characterizing the major radiological source terms necessary for radiation protection and licensing activities that one would expect in a liquid-fueled molten salt reactor. This process leverages organic simulation tools in the SCALE modeling and simulation code suite to provide an “off-the-shelf” solution for shielding assessments of this reactor type. Ultimately, this source development process is applied to a representative molten salt reactor system to assess the impact of ex-core source terms on shielding in varying operating conditions. The results of the analysis determined that while the prompt core source is the major dose contributor outside the radiological shielding, specific ex-core features, such as the primary salt loop components and configuration, can have an appreciable dose impact, and thus must be accounted for.