American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 209 / Number 12

Quantitative Validation of Gas-Liquid Flow Regime Transition Using Eulerian-Eulerian CFD Models

J. R. Buchanan, Jr., C. E. Clifford, B. M. Waite, T. S. Worosz, M. D. Zimmer

Nuclear Technology / Volume 209 / Number 12 / December 2023 / Pages 1965-1976

Research Article /

Received:January 6, 2023
Accepted:August 22, 2023
Published:November 10, 2023

Quantitative validation of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code is about making point-to-point comparisons over fields of data to make statements about predictive fidelity. By the very nature of CFD, these comparisons are high-performance computing and data intensive. This presentation provides an overview of workflow development toward quantitative development of two-phase CFD codes. The focus here is on multifield two-fluid model capability implemented in the commercial CFD code ANSYS CFX applicable to boiling gas-liquid two-phase flows. Applications to validating three-dimensional predictions that span two-phase flow regimes are discussed.