American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 207 / Number 10

Multi-Index Measurement of Fatigue Degree Under the Simulated Monitoring Task of a Nuclear Power Plant

Gang Zhang, Shibo Mei, Kaijie Xie, Zhen Yang

Nuclear Technology / Volume 207 / Number 10 / October 2021 / Pages 1564-1577

Technical Paper /

Received:June 5, 2020
Accepted:September 14, 2020
Published:September 1, 2021

The fatigue state of nuclear power operators is of vital importance to the safe operation of a nuclear power plant. With the development of the digital manipulation interface in recent years, the fatigue type and degree of operators have undergone changes. The interface of the nuclear power monitoring task is simulated in this experiment, and multiple fatigue detection modes are used to measure the fatigue state of operators. Results show that the subjective fatigue reporting method and PERCLOS P80 can reflect the change of fatigue state. The correlation between task performance and fatigue is not remarkable, and the sensitivity of the electrocardiographic heart rate variability indicator is poor. The accuracy also remains to be further verified.