American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 205 / Number 10

Development of Irradiation Test Devices for Transient Testing

Nicolas Woolstenhulme, Clint Baker, Colby Jensen, Daniel Chapman, Devin Imholte, Nate Oldham, Connie Hill, Spencer Snow

Nuclear Technology / Volume 205 / Number 10 / October 2019 / Pages 1251-1265

Critical Review /

Received:October 26, 2018
Accepted:February 28, 2019
Published:September 13, 2019

The Transient Reactor Test facility (TREAT) resumed operations in 2017 in order to reclaim its crucial role in nuclear-heated fuel safety research. TREAT’s historic era of operation (1959 to 1994) was best known for integral-scale testing of large fuel specimens/bundles under postulated reactor plant accident conditions, but TREAT also supported smaller-scale phenomena identification tests that elucidated fundamental behaviors and paved the way for these integral-scale tests. Advances in modern computational capabilities and a resurgence of interest in novel reactor technologies have created an opportunity for emphasizing modernized science-based and separate effects tests once again at TREAT. An innovative approach to this type of testing has been developed to leverage minor radioactivity built in during brief TREAT irradiations by arranging smaller fuel specimens in low-activation hardware so that they can be easily extracted and shipped for postirradiation examination within weeks. This recently established capability, termed the Minimal Activation Retrievable Capsule Holder (MARCH) irradiation vehicle system, includes capabilities for cost-effective simplified environment testing of centimeter-scale fuel samples of various geometries, temperature-controlled irradiations of millimeter-size samples for lower-length-scale model development, liquid metal–bonded heat sink capsules for controlling transient temperature response in fuel rodlets, and an innovative approach to high-throughput irradiation of transient sensors and instrumentation. The MARCH system’s capabilities will also set the foundation for fuel safety research performed in larger integral-scale test devices with coolant environments representing reactor plants. Based upon historic approaches, but modernized to meet current nuclear technology needs, these larger irradiation devices include flowing pressurized water (including the ability to depressurize to steam) as well liquid metal cooling loops for various fuel rod and small bundle specimens. This critical review describes the recently established MARCH system and current trajectory to enabling advanced transient science with a suite of irradiation test devices.