Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 205 / Number 7
Nuclear Technology / Volume 205 / Number 7 / July 2019 / Pages 912-927
Regular Technical Paper / dx.doi.org/10.1080/00295450.2018.1556062
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This paper extends the applicability of the generalized perturbation theory (GPT)–free methodology, earlier developed for deterministic models, to Monte Carlo stochastic models. The objective of the GPT-free method is to calculate nuclear data sensitivity coefficients for generalized responses without solving the GPT response-specific inhomogeneous adjoint eigenvalue problem. The GPT-free methodology requires the capability to generate the eigenvalue sensitivity coefficients. This capability is readily available in several of the state-of-the-art Monte Carlo codes. The eigenvalue sensitivity coefficients are sampled using a statistical approach to construct a subspace of small dimension that is subsequently sampled for sensitivity information using a forward sensitivity analysis. A boiling water reactor assembly model is developed using the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Monte Carlo code KENO to demonstrate the application of the GPT-free methodology in Monte Carlo models. The response variations estimated by the GPT-free agree with the exact variations calculated by direct forward perturbations. The GPT-free method is also implemented in OpenMC and tested with the Godiva model to show its capability and feasibility in the estimation of the energy-dependent sensitivity coefficients for generalized responses in Monte Carlo models. The sensitivity results are compared against the ones acquired by the standard GPT-based methodologies. A higher order of accuracy in the sensitivity estimation is observed in the GPT-free method.