American Nuclear Society

Home / Publications / Journals / Nuclear Technology / Volume 203 / Number 1

Verification of Modelica-Based Models with Analytical Solutions for Tritium Diffusion

Jordan D. Rader, M. Scott Greenwood, Paul W. Humrickhouse

Nuclear Technology / Volume 203 / Number 1 / July 2018 / Pages 58-65

Technical Paper /

Received:September 21, 2017
Accepted:January 19, 2018
Published:June 14, 2018

Tritium transport in metal and molten salt fluids combined with diffusion through high-temperature structural materials is an important phenomenon in both magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) and molten salt reactor (MSR) applications. For MCF, tritium is desirable to capture for fusion fuel. For MSRs, uncaptured tritium potentially can be released to the environment. In either application, quantifying the time- and space-dependent tritium concentration in the working fluid(s) and structural components is necessary.

Whereas capability exists specifically for calculating tritium transport in such systems (e.g., using TMAP for fusion reactors), it is desirable to unify the calculation of tritium transport with other system variables such as dynamic fluid and structure temperature combined with control systems such as those that might be found in a system code. Some capability for radioactive trace substance transport exists in thermal-hydraulic systems codes (e.g., RELAP5-3D); however, this capability is not coupled to species diffusion through solids. Combined calculations of tritium transport and thermal-hydraulic solution have been demonstrated with TRIDENT but only for a specific type of MSR.

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a set of Modelica-based dynamic system modeling tools called TRANsient Simulation Framework Of Reconfigurable Models (TRANSFORM) that were used previously to model advanced fission reactors and associated systems. In this system, the augmented TRANSFORM library includes dynamically coupled fluid and solid trace substance transport and diffusion. Results from simulations are compared against analytical solutions for verification.